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I just want to learn...

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:24 pm
by Berkut
I don't even know where to put this topic...but i will try here.

I just want to learn... those few words are becoming unwanted around FG community. I want to learn how to develop a good autopilot,like the one it0touchpods developed. I want to learn how to develop various systems,I want to learn everything but no one seems to care about it....but everyone just points me to the FG Wiki.

Thanks but,no thanks. I can't learn that way. I'm ready to spent days in trying to teach someone who has difficulties to learn something,for whatever reason. I'm a slow learner,like dead slow. For me,it takes ages to understand a thing in coding. And FG Wiki is no way helping. It seems that it's forbidden to be like me.


Re: I just want to learn...

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:27 pm
well... be patient and don't get easily frustated. FG requires stubbornness; Basically.

You already mastered livery creation.
Go step by step. The wiki helps, but not as much as experimenting, breaking planes, scratching and back to the designing-board.

I like to thing aircraft development in separate areas, but mainly

* Artwork (3d / 2d)
* Systems (AP/ xmls config and FDM)
* Coding (mostly nasal)

dont try to master these all. And not simmultaneously at least.

Try just getting comfortable with only 1 of these at a time, and ask specific questions in this forum (in the other they may chop off your hands).

Best of luck

Re: I just want to learn...

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:35 pm
by Berkut
I'm not trying to learn it all at once,but more like step by step.Like I said,for me it takes time to learn.

I'm kicking ... with liveries and I'm happy about it (a looooooot more coming) ,but now,all I want to learn is how to develop a good autopilot,that's it. For years here,i'm trying to move people forward to do something about the A320 Family (318,319,320,321) ,or to show me how to change things in it.

AP,systems...pretty much everything is broken on that thing,but I see it as a place to learn,to do as much as possible my self and feel proud when it's done. Now I just feel useless and a bit angry when I see it a state like that. And this one goes for a lot of planes in FG,unfortunately.

Re: I just want to learn...

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:29 pm
APs and systems are entertaining (evil laugh) because they have so much stuff to change. and every time you tweak a parameter on either it will likely need adjustment to the other.

But again,

This is what I suggest you begin doing

1. Install the FGDATA next with submodules, and use SHIFT+F4 there to reload autopilots on the fly, or patch your fgdata yourself ... ation_file

2. Start following the wiki page above with a flying plane. Basically activate the autopilot roll mode, and start altering the code with small jumps (by 1 or 2 at a time, up and or down) see if it improves, and or worsens (SHIFT F4 to reload the stepwise change). When you see that it goes worse instead of better, half the step size (example do 0.5 increase/decrease if you were doing 1), and repeat. Until you fell that a change of 2 steps (the smaller size you get) does not change your behavior anymore, and you achieve parameters that give you stable flight.

3. Move to other modes of AP.

If you want a more complete autopilot to begin with (I totally suggest that), try installing either Josh's IT or JWocky's SYS8 as a first step.

That's how I go about finding a good parameter number-set for a given plane (assuming the FDM was good already)


If you cant' fly a plane by hand, the FDM is totally messed up and there's no point to edit APs at that stage yet. Get the FDM adjusted is step one, everytime.

Re: I just want to learn...

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:59 am
by Berkut
If you cant' fly a plane by hand, the FDM is totally messed up and there's no point to edit APs at that stage yet. Get the FDM adjusted is step one, everytime.

A320 Family...right there.

Will do it that way. Thanks. :D

Buuuuut,how to install that FG DATA thing? That's a bit out of my league....

Re: I just want to learn...

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:57 pm
then patch FGDATA

(installing FGDATA with submodules is easy, Just git clone that, and use the downloaded directory as your new FGDATA)