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Windows Users: BEWARE!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:49 pm
by Octal450
Recently while surfing the web, I came across such popup:


This popup spammed a message which was impossible to close (luckily Chrome has the option to block such things). It also went fullscreen as soon as I clicked in the page anywhere. It would not let yuo go out of fullscreen, and even displayed bogus window title bars at the top. I needed to force Google Chrome to close from taskmgr.

So big deal right?
Well, no.

I inspected my system, and found that 3 registry entries were changed, and malicious files were dropped to hidden locations on my System.

If you have ever seen such a popup, I recommend scanning with: (MALWAREBYTES) (ADWCLEANER)

Please be very very careful on the internet!


Re: Windows Users: BEWARE!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 4:45 pm
looks "nasty" what you catch there Josh

Re: Windows Users: BEWARE!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:22 pm
by jwocky
That thing is actually quite stupid
I saw it pop up on a site about JavaScript snippets pop up and then, before I couldn't do anything it said something about C:\program or so not found and died ... so it can't adapt to Linux. Well, the current version can't.