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Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S.A Members!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:43 pm

Have a great feast to all U.S.A members of this forum


Re: Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S.A Members!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:45 pm
LesterBoffo wrote:Oh BTW Happy Thanksgiving from the US. Image

And to you as well!! "D

Re: Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S.A Members!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:56 pm
by jwocky
And to everyone, who has something to be thankful for and to everybody, who likes a good meal ;-)

Re: Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S.A Members!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 6:43 pm
by J Maverick 16
Happy Thanksgiving to all around here who celebrate it!
Regards, Mav

Re: Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S.A Members!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:36 pm
by KL-666
Lucky you guys, i would love some stuffed turkey :-), but we do not have that holiday here. No, we do completely different things at this time of year.

In The Netherlands it is not such a happy period at the moment, specifically not for young black children. It is blackface period again. That is a children's fest where a catholic master (Saint Nicolaus) comes from Spain by steam ship, accompanied by his black slaves (Black Petes) to bring presents to children on the 5th of december (he arrives about mid november). The role of the blackfaces is to depict black people as idiots. The white children and parents love it. But for black people it is not so nice having the blackfaces running around the towns for half a month. In this period black people are yelled after by whites: "Hey black pete, you did not deliver my present yet", and more of the like.

I find it really depressing how we teach our children that black people are not worth more than for a servants role, "proving" their unworthiness by depicting them as fools through white blackfaces. So much for Dutch tolerance...

Here a recording of the arrival of the white master and his black servants. It makes me sick every year.

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S.A Members!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:19 am
by LesterBoffo
Interesting that Vincent mentions this. An American comedian, David Sedaris, has a self narrated audio book at our library with a chapter on Christmas in the Netherlands called "Six to Eight Black Men" with Saint Nicklaus and his Black subordinates celebration.

If find it curious that David Sedaris's voice reminds me of BIZX.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S.A Members!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:23 am
by Octal450
Happy Thanksgiving
I for one am thankful for this forum, to talk to all the wonderful "neglected" users :D


Re: Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S.A Members!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:08 am
by KB7
Even though it's the day after Turkey Day, Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I spent it stuffing my face, watching Torchwood, and continuing instrument improvements to the L-159. Then a 1 AM KLAS-KXTA flight to admire my handiwork. :)

Very grateful for Flightgear and our community!