[SOLVED] GIT: Forks and updates

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[SOLVED] GIT: Forks and updates

Postby Octal450 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:21 pm

So here is my problem:

I update the MD-88 to my personel repo.


There is also my MD-88 forked into FGMEMBERS NON-GPL.


I have updated to my personel repo, how do I put that update into FGMEMBERS? I did not clone it, as I created the repo, so I originally pushed to /it0uchpods/MD-88

How do I merge that intop FGMEMBERS NON-GPL?

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Re: GIT: Forks and updates

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:42 am

you can send a Pull Request, and merge.
(thats the web-based-way)

You can push your new commits to the repository directly; without needing to do a PR

from your repo

Code: Select all

git push git@github.com:FGMEMBERS-NONGPL/MD-88.git master

That's the command line way

It does not matter what is a fork from who. In git, all forks are copies/clones, and there is no special priviledges on any of them. The only thing differs is write/push permissions

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: GIT: Forks and updates

Postby Octal450 » Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:51 pm

OK rojer thank you.

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