Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby SkyBoat » Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:44 pm

I'm just passing RAF Wattisham and RAF Mindenhall. I find the 504-HD flies best of the three I've tested so far. Did I maybe miss a variant in the BE12? I ask because I am getting the performance out of the HD that Lester said I should have gotten from the BE12, and I couldn't get anything close that that. The HD climbed easily at 1000 fpm up to 5000 and leveled out at 73 KIAS and 88 Kts GS. I climbed at 750 fpm to 8000 and got 75 KIAS and 90 GS. At 10000 feet, climbing at 500 fpm, I leveled out at 78 KIAS and 91 GS. Now, I'm at 12000 feet and 75 KIAS and 91 GS. Again, I changed the weather from real to "Fair Weather" that has a reading of 15003KT. I should note this has been straight-line testing, I haven't done any performance drills yet.

My console shows all three aircraft are generating some NASAL errors. but I'm not sure how they are affecting overall performance.

I'm glad to see that fschmid's flights with the Zeps went well. I'm really looking forward to this event!

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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby LesterBoffo » Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:17 am

SkyBoat wrote:As I write this I have the AVRO 504-D in the air, flying basically north up the east coast of England. I haven't tried the 504HD yet. We're at 10,000 feet with a KIAS of 74 Kts and a Ground Speed of 88 knots. I think I like it better than the RAF-BE12, even though the BE12 was pretty easy to take off and land. It's slower than the 504 and not as stable. The best performance I could get out of her was a climb rate of 300 fpm at 68 knots and a top speed of 83 knots at 8000 feet. The Avro can climb at 500 fpm, although it's climing rate KIAS was 64 knots, it was easier to maintain using the mixture.

My one challenge is to get the Avro to take off in a straight line. I changed the weather from real to "Fair Day" for both planes so I'd get a consistent atmospheric environment in which to test them. Incidentally, I noticed the fuel consumption is static; the fuel tanks do not work, which will be convenient since it means you never have to land just to refuel. But maybe that should be fixed before the event for the sake of realism.

I'm now going to switch over to the 504HD and see what the differences are. I love test flying! More later.

Glad you like them Sky, some hints..

That's really odd about the fuel as I know that all 3 aircraft consume fuel. Did you open the property browser and check if there was fuel being used? They don't use much and the tanks are somewhat largish.

As far as taking off, *always* select a green space and start facing the wind. Take off into the wind directly, don't try to use any aileron inputs at all initially, establish that your rudder will hold your plane in a straight line while you accelerate, watch your HUD sideslip ball and keep it centered with your rudder only. When you've made 40 or so knots ground speed you can use gentle aileron inputs, but by then you should be fast enough to become airborne.

Remember! these are not jets, and you cannot climb them at 15 or more degrees AoA. Fly on the wing not the propeller. Your fastest climbs will be at about 6 to 9 degrees AoA while keeping above 60 knots. You can lean the fuel mixture every 3000 feet or so. watch your RPM gauge while doing so. Also be gentle on the stick as the ailerons have considerable adverse yaw drag. Both of these airplanes have considerable dihedral and can be flown using the rudder for roll control more than the ailerons.

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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby LesterBoffo » Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:22 am

fschmid wrote:Hi Lester,

just did 2 test flights from EGMC to EGLC with the L30 and the SL20, no problems here with FG 2017.3

OK then I believe it's my old OS that limits memory that's causing the problem. It's odd that I can fly aircraft into the East coast of the UK but the Zeppelins are crashing repeatedly when flown in. There must be much more overhead in processor use with the calculations done for the buoyancy and other Nasal functions.

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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby LesterBoffo » Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:20 pm

I had an inkling about what Skyboat said about the BE12, and that it is climbing at 300fpm... And then it occurred to me...

Skyboat, what color is the over-all scheme of the plane you're testing? If it's beige yellowish with two black stripes on the rear fuselage, you're using the BE-2 not the BE-12.

The BE-12 is a new aircraft, it's not even available on FGMEMBERS yet, and it should be dark olive green overall.

They're two entirely different aircraft.

Unless your joystick has gone completely out of calibration on the throttle axis, and (or) you've adjusted a too lean mixture trim, there's no way that you cannot climb at least at 900~1100 fpm at full throttle with the BE-12.

I retried it last night in several different locations and weather types, the worst climb rate was about 900~1000 fpm average, and my joystick's throttle axis sometimes goes out of trim. Legoboy is testing it and says that it 'climbs like a cat'.

Your view from the cockpit should look like this..Image

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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby LesterBoffo » Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:06 pm

Some screenshots of Stow Maries.



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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby SkyBoat » Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:42 pm

@Lester-- I think you nailed it! I was flying with the white livery, not the one you described for the BE12. I'll do a test flight with the correct livery/aircraft and see what difference it makes.

BTW, F14Tom and I (in the AVRO 504-D) were having a little fun over the English countryside. The fact he was even able to spot little old me in the Avro was a feat itself! I was flying at 10000 feet at the point the screenie was taken.


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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby LesterBoffo » Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:18 pm

It's an entirely separate aircraft in it's own folder, the only bit's it shares with the BE2 is it's fuselage, tail and wing shapes that are sourced from the BE2.

I haven't made a livery for it yet either :?:

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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby SkyBoat » Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:55 pm

@Lester-- My aircraft lacks instruments and flight controls, other than the joystick. I also have no options for liveries. The color of the fuselage is what you described, however. I calibrated my joystick, just to make sure, but to no effect. But I found several problems, so read-on.

In looking through the files, the Livery folder is empty. Nothing in it. I also noticed in the panel.xml file, it is set up for the RAF-BE-2, with no reference to the BE12. That may or may not be an issue.

I did find in the panel.xml folder a typo where there were two forward slashes between: /asi//asi. (Line 73, Col 51). I fixed that, but it did not unlock the other instruments when I reloaded FG, so there is still a problem on your end, someplace.

Good luck in sleuthing the other problems. For a reference, I am going to put my console read out in another post.


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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby SkyBoat » Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:00 pm

Here's the readout from my FG computer on the BE-12:

Code: Select all

avid@Skyboat-One:~$ ./FGStart.sh EGLC RAF-BE12
FlightGear:  Version 2017.3.1
FlightGear:  Build Type Dev
Built with GNU C++ version 5.4
Jenkins number/ID 0:none
Aircraft does not specify a minimum FG version: please add one at /sim/minimum-fg-version
XML sound: couldn't find file: 'Aircraft/RAF-BE12/Sounds/StallBuffet2.wav'
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE-2/Models/instruments/tach/tach.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE-2/Models/instruments/magneto/magneto.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE-2/Models/instruments/throttle/throttle.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE-2/Models/instruments/alt/alt.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE-2/Models/instruments/compass/compass.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE-2/Models/instruments/asi/asi.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE12/Models/effects/exhaust/exhaustsmoke.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE12/Models/effects/exhaust/exhaustsmoke.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE12/Models/effects/cranking/cranking.xml"
Failed to load file: "Aircraft/RAF-BE12/Models/effects/cranking/cranking.xml"
Could not find at least one of the following objects for animation: 'ULAileron', 'URAileron', 'LLAileron', 'LRAileron', 'LLWing', 'LRWing', 'ULWing', 'CenterWing', 'URWing', 'HSR', 'HSL', 'ElevatorR', 'ElevatorL'
Could not find at least one of the following objects for animation: 'throttlelever'
Could not find at least one of the following objects for animation: 'Rruddcable'
Could not find at least one of the following objects for animation: 'Lruddcable'
Could not find at least one of the following objects for animation: 'L-ailerlink'
Could not find at least one of the following objects for animation: 'R-ailerlink'
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/ADIRS.nas, line 21
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/FMGC-b.nas, line 16
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/FMGC.nas, line 31
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/PFD_FMA.nas, line 38
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a332livery-fpw.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a332livery-frr.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a332livery-ge.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a332livery-kcge.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a332livery-kcrr.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a332livery-pw.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a332livery-rr.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a333livery-ge.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a333livery-pw.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: livery
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/a333livery-rr.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/brakes.nas, line 11
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/buttons.nas, line 53
Nasal runtime error: No such member: globals
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/damage.nas, line 321
  called from: /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/damage.nas, line 331
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/efis.nas, line 7
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/electrical.nas, line 21
Nasal runtime error: No such member: globals
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/engines.nas, line 12
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/fadec-common.nas, line 33
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/fadec-ge.nas, line 21
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/fadec-pwrr.nas, line 25
Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: setlistener
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/fire.nas, line 12
Nasal parse error: parse error in /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/fuel.nas, line 1
Nasal runtime error: No such member: globals
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/gpws.nas, line 15
  called from: /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/gpws.nas, line 164
Nasal runtime error: No such member: Node
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/globals.nas, line 115
  called from: /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/hydraulics.nas, line 12
Nasal runtime error: No such member: Node
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/globals.nas, line 115
  called from: /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/icing.nas, line 8
Nasal runtime error: No such member: Node
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/globals.nas, line 115
  called from: /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/it-fbw.nas, line 209
Copyright (c) 2017 it0uchpods Design Group
Nasal runtime error: No such member: globals
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/libraries.nas, line 30
Nasal runtime error: No such member: Node
  at /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/globals.nas, line 115
  called from: /home/david/fgdata/Nasal/pneumatics.nas, line 12
Loading local weather routines...
Animated jetways ... initialized
This aircraft does not use the latest yasim configuration version.
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/e000n50/e000n51/2958176.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/2container-office.ac'
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/e000n50/e000n51/2958176.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/2container-office.ac'
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/e000n50/e000n51/2958176.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/2container-office.ac'
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/e000n50/e000n51/2958176.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/2container-office.ac'
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/e000n50/e000n51/2958176.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/2container-office.ac'
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/e000n50/e000n51/2958176.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/2container-office.ac'
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/e000n50/e000n51/2958176.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/2container-office.ac'
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/e000n50/e000n51/2958176.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/2container-office.ac'
Path "/home/david/terraGIT/Objects/w010n50/w001n51/2941794.stg": Failed to load OBJECT_SHARED 'Models/lib/vintage-tower-hangar.ac'

As you can see, I'm sure much to your dismay, there are quite a few things that need to be looked at. But from this, you get a comprehensive breakdown of what the issues are.

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Re: Testing the waters, London Zeppelin raid. 01/20/18 ; 17:00 UTC

Postby LesterBoffo » Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:12 pm

Why does your Aircraft/XXXX folder say "BE-2"? :?:

OK, I've found the issue. I've not changed the panel.xml to the Be-12 aircraft folder, it was ""BE-2, My mistake. :oops:

Also a splash screen and the effects calls not being capitalized fixed for Linux.

This should fix the issue with the lost instruments, most the other issues appear to be with your own FG install? This aircraft doesn't have much in the way of nasal calls, especially for fadec, brakes, electrical and fuel, note also the terragit missing shared objects.

Try this one out.


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