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Hello?....Helloooo...? So is this mic working?

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 5:09 am
by LesterBoffo
Hey 'yall,

So I see you're doing a flight from Patagonia tommorow, I'd like to join, so do I need to be on a special Mumble channel?

I've bought a better PC. I'm updated to 2020.13 and also running the Nightly 2020.4 with HDR. It's kinda freaking awesome.

You gotta love NVe.M2 drives.

Do you folks still do semi weekly MP flights?

I've got some images from 2020.4 in HDR, I've been going through all my old favorites and fixing their transparencies so they're happier with HDR..







Oh yeah My Youtube channel

Re: Hello?....Helloooo...? So is this mic working?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:24 pm
Hey Lester, amazing screenshots,
Yes, we read this channels here

As you saw in the other thread we are doing a treasure hunting tour, fiying most saturdays.
I thought I saw you in Marambio, but wasnt' sure, and I was landing so couldn't text.

we can use mumble, and had been lately using zoom.

Great to see you again, and congratz on your new machine.

Re: Hello?....Helloooo...? So is this mic working?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 5:25 pm
by LesterBoffo
The new plane is at the head of that row of images is an Ago 192 transport, I've got this thing for twin Argus inverted V8's.

Nice, stable flying old transport for when you want to go faster than the GA aircraft crowd, cruises at 148 knots.

Some other pre WWII content also.




Re: Hello?....Helloooo...? So is this mic working?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:42 pm
looks very nice.
Is the last image rendering or photo?? thats' way too realistic!!

If you want you can send me a zip and I push it to fgmembers too, as we've done it