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Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:41 pm
elgaton wrote:Quick heads up for all ATCs: Wolfram Wagner (the author of OpenRadar) has released a new version to address the airport download problems - I would suggest getting them while you can.

Thanks Elgaton
I downloaded the update, and succesfully launched in RJBB.
Looking forward to practice session on May 1st

You may want to invite pilots to join and help the practice session on Curtis' Forum?


Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:06 pm
by Octal450

That plan sounds good. We can try it out on the 1st


Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:52 pm
by J Maverick 16
Currently I don't know if I'll be able to perform ATC at Yokota since I yet haven't solved my PC issues, it's a matter of time and I hope to fix it in time for that.
Regards, Mav

Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:18 pm
by legoboyvdlp
Sorry, May 1st is N/A for me. 23d is the only free day -- I will be away over the May 1st weekend.
Sorry I couldn't let you know earlier.
The 6th will also work -- or else the 22nd.

By the way,

@elgaton, I prepared the SID files for RJGG -- working on STARS.

Is it fine to ignore the RNAV SIDS, since the waypoints do a) not exist in FlightGear b) are not in OpenRadar and c) the RNAV's are practically the same as the old-fashioned SIDS? I can prepare an ATIS saying 'RNAV SIDS available on request' or something...

Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:10 pm
by elgaton
legoboyvdlp wrote:Sorry, May 1st is N/A for me. 23d is the only free day -- I will be away over the May 1st weekend.
Sorry I couldn't let you know earlier.
The 6th will also work -- or else the 22nd.

Not a problem for me - I'm fine either with rescheduling on the 6th, or performing some extra one-on-one training with you on the same date. I think the 22nd is too near.

legoboyvdlp wrote:Is it fine to ignore the RNAV SIDS, since the waypoints do a) not exist in FlightGear b) are not in OpenRadar and c) the RNAV's are practically the same as the old-fashioned SIDS? I can prepare an ATIS saying 'RNAV SIDS available on request' or something...

I usually create them both and prepare Route Manager files as well, but you have a point - I'll check the charts in the morning.

Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:32 pm

Hi All

As terraGIT progresses northbound, more and more world is available via github :mrgreen:
Recently, the transfer has succesfully upload every part of the World South of n50 latitude (that is up to n40 tiles and Down)

This includes 99% of the territory of Japan, that we expect to see available for the next festival. Therefore, Japan can be now installed and enjoyed via terraGIT.

Efforts are being made to add new patches with new layouts and enhacements by the Festival development team, allowing us to enjoy a much renewed Japan on the Festival via terraGIT :D

I also included installation and de-installation scripts to facilitate installing the country.

Japan territory is covered by the Tiles e130n30 e140n30 and e140n40


The following submodules are required for a complete installation of Japan

Code: Select all



1. Clone the terraGIT

Code: Select all

git clone
cd terraGIT

2. Use of the installation script

Code: Select all


3. Use of the deinstallation script (if you want to remove Japan locally)

Code: Select all


4. Manual operation of the submodules (alternative to the script)

a -installing

Code: Select all

git submodule init Objects/e130n30
git submodule init Objects/e140n30
git submodule init Objects/e140n40
git submodule init Terrain/e130n30
git submodule init Terrain/e140n30
git submodule init Terrain/e140n40

git submodule update Objects/e130n30
git submodule update Objects/e140n30
git submodule update Objects/e140n40
git submodule update Terrain/e130n30
git submodule update Terrain/e140n30
git submodule update Terrain/e140n40

b - deinstalling

Code: Select all

git submodule deinit Objects/e130n30
git submodule deinit Objects/e140n30
git submodule deinit Objects/e140n40
git submodule deinit Terrain/e130n30
git submodule deinit Terrain/e140n30
git submodule deinit Terrain/e140n40

git submodule update Objects/e130n30
git submodule update Objects/e140n30
git submodule update Objects/e140n40
git submodule update Terrain/e130n30
git submodule update Terrain/e140n30
git submodule update Terrain/e140n40

Final Note

Currently the content in terraGIT is identical to terraSync, but we will attemp uploading major updates on this region for the Festival

If you clone and prepare now, you can update simply by doing

Code: Select all

git pull

(the install script also manages updates!)


Code: Select all

git pull
git submodule update

Have fun everyone!

Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:49 am
by Octal450
Good day gentlmen,

Oscar and I tested his work on RJTT OpenRadar so far, VERT NICE, just left is SID/STAR labels, and a few more taxiways.

To update our status.

Oscar will be GND and TWR as RJTT_TW
I will be APP and DEP as ATC411 and RJTTcAPP

We will be hoping to come on at the same times, but if one of us isn't awake yet (me), or is already asleep (oscar) the other will take full control, but hopefully that won't be needed, I will be trying to be as long as possible awake!!!

Notice: I will have two PCs open, since its easier for me that way, hence the two usernames.


Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:10 pm
by Side

Code: Select all



Check this, caps sensitive in linux


Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:31 pm
Just fixed it to

Code: Select all


Re: Japan: Spring 2016 [May 7th and 8th]

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:10 pm
it0uchpods wrote:Good day gentlmen,

Oscar and I tested his work on RJTT OpenRadar so far, VERY NICE, just left is SID/STAR labels, and a few more taxiways.


Just to keep sources compiled in a clear place, would you mind sending the RJTT open radar files to

(it can be a PR)