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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:23 pm
by Raven
So are there any instructions for ATC who encounter the helicopters?

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:50 pm
The easiest way is:

1. If it's flying that low consider VFR rules
2. If the pilot does not contact and enters your airspace, request for intentions:

Code: Select all

ATC: Callsign, you entered the controlled airspace for Manchester. Please state your intentions

3. If the pilot replies that it is flying uncontrolled, respond an acknowledgement

Code: Select all

ATC: Callsign, continue your flight VFR rules approved. Contact tower if climbing above FL050 or if approaching for landing at Manchester Airport. Maintain clearance for the approach paths to runways at all time. Have fun

You can monitor this pilot, but he is not your priority as tower.

4. If there is a mini event such as FGUK event, respond an acknowledgment

Code: Select all

ATC: Pilots in the comboy FGUK, continue as planned, maintain below FL050. Have fun

You can monitor the comboy but they are not your priority as tower.

5. If a pilot does not respond and starts behaving erratically (dangerous, or invading runways or trying to collide with other pilots. DO NOT Acknowledge. Instead warn your pilots under control

Code: Select all

ATC: SpeedBird seven, pilot Tango Tango Three is uncontrolled and sitting on runway unresponsive. Please ignore

That's all, I think.

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:17 am
by elgaton
I'd also suggest ignoring FGUK pilots participating in the Guy Fawkes event (they do not like flying under ATC guidance at all). They have published the AI scenario and flightplan they are going to use during their event, I have also asked them for the callsigns they are using so that we can keep Festival traffic properly separated. Of course, should they wish to land at a controlled airport, they are more than welcome to join.
(A reminder for ATCs: remember that the restricted areas proposed by Maverick are still in effect).

For other pilots, the guidance given by IAHM-COL is to the point.

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:40 am
by KL-666
Are the times the atc's expect to be available published anywhere?

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:54 pm
by J Maverick 16
elgaton wrote:they do not like flying under ATC guidance at all

So most likely they'll not answer to ATC, especially because typing and manning a chopper aren't a good idea. ;)
Regards, Mav

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:57 pm
by Octal450
I'll have Dublin and Shannon open as much as possible. I'm free the whole weekend.

If an FGUK comes into there and I ask intentions, he should at least say: "I don't want ATC pls" then l note him as VFR and keep planes away, and if they start to go into disturbing, like landing on main airport, only then I neglect them.

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:05 pm
I'll be 1600 to 2400 Zulu on Talla Terminal Control, located at EGPH, both Sat and Sun

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:47 pm


I have registered my times in the FlightGear ATC Events webpage

I recommend anyone serving as ATC to register their time-slots there
Pilots: Feel free to file plans on the website if desired

Have fun
Looking forward for this event:


Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:32 pm
by J Maverick 16
it0uchpods wrote:If an FGUK comes into there and I ask intentions, he should at least say: "I don't want ATC pls"

Most of their "Hello" MP messages have something similar which states it since the time when the UK Festival was announced.
Regards, Mav

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:01 pm
by KL-666
Great timetable site this IAHM-COL.

Could you put it in the first post, saying something like: "ATC's announce your timetables here, and pilots you can look up when airports are (wo)manned"?

Kind regards, Vincent