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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:33 pm
by J Maverick 16
OPFOR77 wrote:In planning our Op, I'm trying to push people to Leuchars instead of using the FOB to give you more traffic.
We will also have a Blackbird occasionally out of Mildenhall. =]

Also, Leuchars has got custom scenery... ;)
RAF Lossiemouth would have gotten it but you know, I've only got two hands and a spare free time.

About the SR-71, casual choice or studied?


I'd do it but you know I've got issues with it (FG crashes when I try to fire it up).
Unfortunately the RC-137R isn't in a good state yet 'cause I'd have used that instead if required.
Before reachin' Lechars in my trip I'll have a short stop at the Hall (home base) because reasons...
Plus I'll do my tiny additional relocation flight from the Heath to EGQL with the F-15C (yep, home base).

The bad thing is that it lasts only 48 hrs... :(
Regards, Mav

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:47 pm
oh... that blackbird ?
Not this one? >

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:22 am
by OPFOR77
J Maverick 16 wrote:RAF Lossiemouth would have gotten it but you know, I've only got two hands and a spare free time.

Having minimal scenery there fits in with our scenario more, so it's okay. From the latest fake news article:

Following a surprise night-time raid by SIS to shut down the RAF's efforts to project over the area, RAF Lossiemouth had to be temporarily abandoned.

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:21 pm
Hi All:

The United Kingdom has been fully updated in terraGIT ready for the festivities this weekend


to install the terraGIT version of UK

1. If you had not done so, git clone terraGIT

Code: Select all

git clone
cd terraGIT

go to step three below

2. If you cloned terraGIT before, update the terraGIT if you had cloned it before. Notice the "git submodule sync" command below!

Code: Select all

cd terraGIT
git pull
git submodule sync

go to step 3 below

3. Install UK

Code: Select all



UK in terraGIT includes

  • All new airport layouts updated to apt dat specifications 10.50
  • All Objects present in terraGIT for UK until 11/03/2016 (it include the newest Glasgow and Manchester Airports)
  • Several custom scenerios in UK, among these: Edinburgh (EGPH), FGUK's Llanbedr (EGOD), And other packages by J.Maverick such as EGQL, and several others.

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:04 pm
by J Maverick 16
Fastest airport devel ever by my side:


EGQS (RAF Lossiemouth) for OPRF quick and dirty, same link of EGQL custom scenery.
Regards, Mav

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:34 pm
by Octal450
very cool
The following aircrafts of mine are festival ready:
A340-600VIP (FBW testbed)

And soon: MD-10

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:36 pm
I am flying the RAF KingAir 350
Can you give it a go and see if its operating ready? It should be if nothing happend to it since the USA tour.


Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:57 pm
by Octal450
Right I meant to fix the Approach mode on the AP... :oops:

I'll do it now :D

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:03 pm
awesome. period.

Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:07 pm
by Octal450

It flies horrible now...

PITCH is WAAAY to sensitive, FCS nasal errors from JSBsim, who broke it while I was away?