United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

May 5th and 6th, 2018
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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue May 10, 2016 3:37 am

somewhere like Dublin? EIDW? :D

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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby SHM » Tue May 10, 2016 3:41 am

SM will be ATCing at Dublin (EIDW)

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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue May 10, 2016 3:41 am

Thanks SM :D

This is a 3D terminal model for your skills/height :P
What do you say?

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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue May 10, 2016 4:30 am

I updated the first post of this thread with what we've got so far

Among the details, in London, we've got
(The following lists all manned airports surrounding the metropolis)
IAHM-COL wrote:Towers:
  • EGLL - Heathrow : GND (Oscar) / TWR (ACI) *
  • EGLC - London city : TWR (Open)
  • EGSS - London Stansted (ATCJay)
  • EGMC - London Southend TWR (Open)
  • EGKK - Gatwick: GND (ATC1337) / TWR (Josh) *
  • EGGW - London Luton: TWR (Open)

In addition, I've been checking the London airspace definitions with the charst on NATS, and I've noticed that Tower positions vertical restriction is regulated at 2500 feet, in some cases/zones 3500 feet and rarely above 5500 feet (exceptional). Once the Tower zone ends, it transfers control to LONDON (the center) whose territorial management takes from Tower zone to a flat high of FL195.

As a consequence, given that the elevation profiles are relatively restricted, I suggest that multiple ATCs switch to control open positions, as opposed to have multiple ATCs in the same place (like above GND and TWR). This way, Tower controllers have full responsibility of managing deliver, Ground, and aircrafts in their aereal control zone, as well as clearing take offs and landings on the place they are located; while effectively handling traffic exiting the airspace into the Center controller.

Currently, we would have a very good situation, where KOL (Djim) is still unassigned (if elgaton accepts center), whereas Oscar, ACI, ATC1337 and Josh are currently doubling; as well as Josh and ATC1337.

I wanted then, to ask for you guys to consider redesigning this situation.

This is the Offer I want to make.

@Djim: Can you take London City TWR (EGLC)?
@ATC1337: Can you take London Luton TWR (EGGW)?
@Oscar: Can you take London Southend (EGMC)?

This would be the Objective of such turnaround:


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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby oscar6662 » Tue May 10, 2016 5:57 am

Hmm. Why I cant have EGLL is it not first come first server? BTW I requested it in the first page of the topic. Whatever I really dont wanna be again only twr. Thats because for the moment only Ter abaliavle in London I am taking my baggage to EGCC Manchester

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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby T-URBO » Tue May 10, 2016 6:22 am


My proposal is similar to IAHM-COL expect there a few changes:

Tower only controls in the ATZ which is a small radius circle around the airport shown on skyvector my a magenta dotted line.

Approach, Controls in the CTR and and CTA, which was outlined in IAHM-COL map.

On flightgear we have have a tendency to mix up controller positions. I proposed a top down procedure.

EGLL - Heathrow
Oscar - EGLL_TW - Callsign: HEATHROW TOWER - Controlling: Heathrow Delivery/Ground and Tower
ACI - EGLL_AP - Callsign: HEATHROW DIRECTOR - Controlling Heathrow Approach, When TW inactive: Heathrow Delivery/Ground/Tower and Approach

EGLC - London city

EGSS - London Stansted
ATCJay - EGSS_AP - Callsign: ESSEX RADAR - Stansted Delivery/Ground/Tower and Approach

EGMC - London Southend

EGKK - Gatwick
ATC1337 - EGKK_TW - Callsign: GATWICK TOWER - Controlling: Heathrow Delivery/Ground and Tower
Josh - EGKK_AP - Callsign: GATWICK DIRECTOR - Controlling Heathrow Approach, When TW inactive: Heathrow Delivery/Ground/Tower and Approach

EGGW - London Luton

I would like to change my airport to EGBB. Therefore:

EGBB - Birmingham
T-URBO: - EGBB_AP - BIRMINGHAM APPROACH - - Controlling Birmingham Delivery/Ground/Tower and Approach

London Center
(TBD) Elgaton - LONDON CENTER - Any airspace or airport currently uncontrolled below or at FL210
**Note 1: If he agrees to be center, he needs to determine if he would like to control all four zones or just LON_S and LON_C
**Note 2: If he believe that this would be too much for him I am sure myself or ATCJay would be happy to Control LON_C thereby divined the area into two.

(TBD) Omega - LONDON CONTROL - All Airspace above FL210 and Any airspace or airport currently uncontrolled below or at FL210
**Note 1: Need to be invited
**Note 2: He could control the other 2 Center Zones as I see not much traffic going there.

Last edited by T-URBO on Tue May 10, 2016 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby T-URBO » Tue May 10, 2016 6:42 am

oscar6662 wrote:Hmm. Why I cant have EGLL is it not first come first server? BTW I requested it in the first page of the topic. Whatever I really dont wanna be again only twr. Thats because for the moment only Ter abaliavle in London I am taking my baggage to EGCC Manchester

I understood that ACI and yourself coordinated so that so that he was Approach and you were taking Heathrow Delivery/Ground and Tower. I sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

aiannuzzi99 wrote:Oscar and I have agreed that I will take EGLL APP/DEP and he will take EGLL GND, DEL, TWR


Do you still wish to still move to Manchester? Would you be confinable being London Control for the Northern section and providing ATC service to all airports in that sector?

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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby Octal450 » Tue May 10, 2016 7:11 am

ATC411 will be Scottish Talla Terminal Center

That is all.

Last edited by Octal450 on Fri May 13, 2016 4:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby T-URBO » Tue May 10, 2016 8:53 am


You already been add to EGKK.

All the procedures I posted here are from the VATSIM UK Website. This is the website used by the controllers for VATSIM for the UK. The real difference between VATSIM and FG is that in VATSIM most of the pilots use STARS and SIDS where in FG most pilots don't use them. Also there are many STARS and SIDS used by Multiple airports. VATTSATIC is not a very good reference on the procedures. I have spent a lot of time now at looking at real life procedure with the procedures of both VATSIM and IVAO, and I believe this is the best solution for the resources we have (Elgaton).


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Re: United Kingdom + Ireland: Fall 2016 [November 5th and 6th]

Postby J Maverick 16 » Tue May 10, 2016 11:14 am

IAHM-COL wrote:
Other places

  • EGAA_Belfast (APP) : Legoboy
  • EIDW_Dublin (APP): SHM
  • EGPH_Edinburgh (APP) : IH-COL
  • EGOD_Lanbergh (FGUK): J.Maverick

It's Llanbedr not that rubbish thing you wrote ;) and please don't write my name as J.Maverick or J-Maverick, it's just J Maverick.
Anyway, I won't provide ATC at EGOD nor anyone of FGUK will (maybe, RAFDave which is/was a real controller in the Air Force) as ATC is not that appreciated by the group.
Anyway, FGUK operates mainly at EGOD/EGOV air bases and I'd say at a max altitude of about 10,000ft around the two airports, it depends on what we will do. Many people think we are do air combat or carrier landings or, more generally military stuff. Well, it's not all about that, it's about flying, developing and having fun with fast jets and nice helis.
I'd suggest as a minigame the Mach Loop (now with different versions) east of EGOD which is also one of the main attractions to FG airmen.
Looking at the airport map it also looks like the route from/to Ireland overflies our airspace so I'd suggest to advise pilots to expect military traffic below them.
I'll manage to organize a FlightNight event so that we will stay in UK during the Festival and do a sort of VFR/IFR flight with old style aircrafts around UK.

About me,
I'll probably ATC for a short timeframe during the Festival at RAF Lakenheath (EGUL) and RAF Mildenhall (EGUN):



Both in very close range, the first for fighters and helis, the second for larger planes (tankers, recon, cargo, etc.)
Custom 3D scenery for both bases is already done by myself for yet another FGUK event last year.
I'd need some works for OpenRadar on the both bases regarding routes, approaches guidelines, etc.

Also, expect another OPRF relocation flight and activity during the Fall Festival arriving from either north or south and operating from both EGUL and EGUN but also at EGVA and maybe also EGOD for minigames; area of activity is not yet decided. Scenery works for the intermediate stops before UK will start in some months. Route planning is already done (poll will decide which one will be used).
More information to come.
Regards, Mav
Breakin' the sound barrier every day!

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