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Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:49 pm
The acrimony of Curtis reaches new heights

And personally takes the hammer to ban Bomber again for defending himself against Thorsten, and for not adopting a complacent attitude towards Thorsten's attempts to bend the true, or declare "non-free GPL software" over the Shuttle.

The bitterness and acrimony of Curtis is amazing. But even more when you take into account that Curtis himself acted as an instigator of argumentation on that same thread.


Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:31 pm
by jwocky
Well, this all started because Curtis wanted to be a dictator, now he acts like a dictator. I know, historical comparisons to other dictators are not popular, but I admit, several from history come to mind. What dictators do is to defend their allies (in this case Thorsten) against all attacks by all measures. Rules that apply for everybody else don't apply for the dictator and his friends.
So, if anybody from the other forum reads this: If you ever got by accident into Thorsten's crosshairs, maybe because you are authort of things, Thorsten stole and made his (as in owner of an Aircraft for example), DON'T DEFEND YOUSELF!
If Thorsten insults you, lies about you, commits acts of slander and libel against you, DON'T DEFEND YOURSELF!
If you have criticized Thorsten and your posts were deleted or edited, DON'T DEFEND YOURSELF!
because Curtis has proven one thing:

For all others, users, plane developers, your legal status on Curtis' forum has been reduced to "catfood". You can be banned and censored at every minute now, just for looking the wrong way.
Given this situation, I offer once more refuge to all those persecuted on Curtis' forum. We have here a place free of censor ship, a place where free speech and free exchange is still allowed and welcome. APPLY FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM FROM CURTIS' BAN SQUADS TODAY!

Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:11 pm
by bomber
I've been out taking my lad to Manchester uni...... Did I miss anything important ?

Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:15 pm
by jwocky
Just having some fun with Curt the Spineless ...

Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:33 pm
bomber wrote:I've been out taking my lad to Manchester uni...... Did I miss anything important ?

This happend ... 55#p294830
Curt wrote:You have stated directly and it is noted that you are deliberately crossing lines and manipulating issues and attempting to push people's buttons here. As a result I am posting this public notice of your 4th ban on this forum. Normally bans are a way to let emotions cool off and flame fest settle down, but clearly in your situation your behavior here is conscious and deliberate.

Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:37 pm
by KL-666
That's even more creative: getting banned in your absence :-) I guess Curt missed Bomber so much, that he banned him.

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:45 pm
by bomber
At least he's got one thing correct.... it's my 4th ban.

Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:26 pm
by Richard ... 35#p294835


This message here is not directly FlightGear related and simply creates another topic thread to perpetuate personal arguments. I am going to lock this topic. And I ask (in my nice moderator voice this time) that if you wish to continue arguing these topics, that you do so elsewhere. There is a perfect place to discuss these issues where all the people you are addressing with this message are free to reply ... I suggest you join that forum and continue this debate there.

Thank you.

I personally find the attacks on Curt distasteful, unjustified and morally questionable, and this message highlights that it isn't just Simon that is attracting moderatorial attention in this discussion. When he says "And I ask (in my nice moderator voice this time)" I read it as "this is from me, as a moderator, asking nicely. If you continue with this then I will be telling you in not so nice a voice".

In my opinion you can't win a debate by attacking the person, that is to say that Ad hominem is more often than not a logical fallacy.

Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:50 pm
by KL-666
You are kidding, are you? Curt first tried to blow up a reasonably going discussion in the hope that fgmembers would go berserk here:

And then he bans someone for debating "conscious and deliberate". I expect exactly this of a discussant. You not, Richard?

So what should i comment on, if it is not the complete childish and idiotic behaviour of Curt? You are making a mistake by calling this ad hominem Richard.

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: Welcome to The CLUB! (bomber and it0uchpods)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:33 am
by jwocky
Richard ... as everybody, you have the right to speak your mind here. The rules don't even demand, that what you say is correct or knowledgeable. That is freedom of speech.. Of course, it's a tough world, if you post something obviously wrong,t here is a certain risk, some people make fun of you, especially if there is an impression you maybe posted obviously wrong things for political expedience.
Now, humor me. Go on Curtis Forum and tell them, you loaded for example a Jumbolino from FGMEMBERS and you need some help with the plane. Just for the fun. Go, dare it! I assume, if the people over there are so nice as you claim, nothing bad can happen?