Why am I not banned yet??

The Club of all those banned or deleted form the "official" FlightGear forum for speaking out political inconvenient truths or just things, the rulers over there didn't want to hear.
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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby Octal450 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 4:46 am

Again backing up my posts
The best thing ever:
GPL Flight Simulator! Free software woohoo
You make it GPL then say don't fork anything! What bullcrap!!!

Now it's just a bunch of jealous people acting like 2 year olds and fighting over stuff.
I still don't even understand why JWOCKY or IAHM-COL were banned. They didn't do anything against the forum rules.

Are you guys all running around banging your heads into stuff? Is that why you don't do anything correctly? If so, then please go away to a hospital. It's not so nice to anger others just because you are jealous and/or stupid and/or banging your head into stuff.

You mods never want to have fun and you never ever change. What's the point then anyways?

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby KL-666 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:27 am

These guys are indeed mentally not fit for GPL. Loosing control over part of the offspring of their work makes them extremely anxious. In an effort to fend off the unpleasant feeling, they look for help at rigid interpretation of rules and slamming with self declared high morality to which there is room for negotiation.

Oops, did i now mention 4 points of the diagnosis for obsessive–compulsive personality disorder? In order of appearance in my few freehand words above:
6) Is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his or her way of doing things.

1) Is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the extent that the major point of the activity is lost.

8) Shows rigidity and stubbornness.

4) Is overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by cultural or religious identification).

Well have a read yourself if you are interested. You will find many commonalities with the guys at that other forum.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive ... y_disorder

The definition of the disorder is already striking:
an extensive pattern of preoccupation with perfectionism, orderliness, and interpersonal and mental control, at the cost of efficiency, flexibility and openness.

So guys, be a little kind to people who suffer such severe disorder, and always advice them to seek professional help.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:31 pm

https://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic. ... 15#p293075
Alant wrote:Where to find an acceptable moderator?

I can , we call can, provide a list of unsuitable candidates.

This includes myself as I have strong issues with FGmembers and anyone who I think is wasting my time.

I am of the opinion that Bugman has fallen into the FGmembers trap also, and should retire.


Hi Alan,
IAHM-COL here. The designer of FGMEMBERS
1) Nice to meet you
2) I am sorry I wasted your time. Bye, then.

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:35 pm

https://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic. ... 30#p293097
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde wrote:

[To Falcon and it0uchpods]

Things got out of hand so the devs decided to band IAHM-COL. Then JWOCKY got banned for not being "politically correct" (I think) and SkyBoat asked to have his account deleted because he was pisses at what happened to IHAM_COL and JWOCKY, so were those of us who had known them for a long time

You make it GPL then say don't fork anything! What bullcrap!!!

Josh & Co, please listen carefully, because it might be right here where we part ways. So far, we've managed to keep it level, but you seem bent on escalating it to a level that is likely to provoke a different response.

Hey @Josh and @Haydeen
Beware of the pathological lyer, Mr. Hyde.
When he declares you a personal war, it means business.

He has the unexplainable power of get you banned from the forum, by his choice of picking up his red phone.

I was banned permanently because he asked that. SH-M was banned permanently because he asked that. Bomber had a 24 hour banning period because he asked that.

The guy has bipolar disorder personality, and will be nasty against you without consequences. Any reaction you get to defend yourself will be used against you, in a REALLY FAKE and UNEXISTENT "court of law "MIMICRY"

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:40 pm

KL-666 wrote:Edit:
Just to sum up the issues, there is also Stuart. No one knows what he thinks. But it seems that he thinks whatever his great example Buggyboy thinks. So there are 2 major obstacles to normality. Maybe an idea for The Great Leader to do something about it, if he dares?

Kind regards, Vincent

:O Oh No! Vincent..
Had you call the King's court? He made the Royal Appearance now (without a hat this time)

And he pull his words. It seems an script, He always sing, always sing the same:

https://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic. ... 30#p293103
Stuart the mod without hat on wrote:Hi All,

I'll respond more fully later but to save people wasted effort now - I don't want this thread descending into another FGMembers argument and will delete posts if it does.

I'll respond more fully to the points raised later today when I get the chance.

Thanks for your patience.

-Stuart (the mod)

And if this happens as every single one time, he will lock the topic, remove the posts that disagree with Thorsten, and never ever speak word about it again (nor respond more in full any time later).

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby bomber » Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:39 pm

bomber wrote
If a person or group of persons as you said continues to bang a drum which is contrary to the concensus.... I agree it wouldn't take long before they're shown the exit.

Yet if that person or group of people having identified the need for change and are prepared to do the work are stymied by the concensus of a group of people, a group that propose a different approach but put very little work into making it a reality..... Then there's bound to be conflict.

So the dissenters go off and do the improvements on their own..... they've not just talked a good development but actually done it. Whilst the concensus group have delivered nothing tangible.

And now what we have are members of the concensus group supporting an action that results in posts showing the development exists being deleted.

Don't expect nice things to be said about the concensus group whilst this is happening... because that's unrealistic.

Now this topic is about the out of context quoting done to cast a bad light on these people, to justify the continued deleting of posts....

If cross posting from FGMEMBERS forum is frowned upon, then that should be applied to both groups. It's not frowned upon to cross post FG forum posts over on FGMEMBERS, so ideas raised here can be discussed there, but an idea raised there can't be brought here without an accusation of propaganda.

How can that be for the good of the project ?

Name calling has occurred from both groups..... if someone calls me stupid I'm entitled to respond and that's happened on many occasions.

People talk about respect without understanding that it's a two way street.

Thorsten replied
So the dissenters go off and do the improvements on their own..... they've not just talked a good development but actually done it. Whilst the concensus group have delivered nothing tangible.

I guess we have to disagree with the 'nothing tangible' and the 'improvements' parts. FG development in my view is very tangible, and stealing copyrighted material isn't an improvement in my book.
If cross posting from FGMEMBERS forum is frowned upon, then that should be applied to both groups.

The administrators of FGMembers are entirely free to ban cross posting from here if they so desire. The point is, once you decide to go your separate ways, you're out.

In actual reality, there have been several offers for a constructive mode of co-existence extended to FGMembers, none of which has been taken up.

Also, there's no name calling here - if I'd call people 'stupid' here, a mod would step in and delete my post and warn me off. Doesn't seem to happen elsewhere.

Sad to see such a jaundiced view of what happens in reality.
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby Octal450 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:17 pm

it0uchpods wrote:Why would they ban crossposting, it's called Free Flight Free Speech.... are you really that ignorant?

This is not another FGMEMBERS argument, and whoever turned it into that, stop.

My point here is that I am being treated 100% unfairly, and just because I participate in both groups, mods (bugman) is looking the fastest way to get rid of me.

We already know you hate FGMEMBERS, so leave that argument at rest. Lest focus on the point of this topic.

Thorsten wrote:Josh & Co, please listen carefully, because it might be right here where we part ways. So far, we've managed to keep it level, but you seem bent on escalating it to a level that is likely to provoke a different response.

Do not ever say Josh and Co. What is Josh and Co? I do not own any company as far as I'm aware. Only thing own is my dev team of I, GabrielYV, and legoboyvdlp. Unless you are speaking to that, please shut up of you with the Josh and Co crap.

I don't want to talk about this really, cause I know no-one will ever admit anything, but I do wonder what this different response would be and why I should be afraid of it?

You keep making yourself look more silly when you try to be all tough and listen here, or else stuff happens! You are not a mod, so... I don't have to listen to you. :D

I have never posted with the intent of *converting* someone. I was blamed for it many times, but never have I done it.

Have a nice day now. or don't. Whichever.

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby KL-666 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:40 pm

This whole affair with overly zealous moderators at that other forum, makes me think: Where are the moderators at this forum? I never see them at work. Are they dead? Disinterested? Or is everyone so well behaved here?

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby bomber » Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:37 pm

FourCough !
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell

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Re: Why am I not banned yet??

Postby KL-666 » Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:20 am

In my countries legal system no person can be held responsible for actions of another person. This principle often becomes interesting when something happened by a group of people. We can not say, oh, they are all guilty of the worst suspicion. No, we have to determine for every individual what he did. This can be quite difficult and at times frustrating. But we want it this way, because we find it uncivilized to sentence someone for something he did not do.

I do not know in what country Thorsten lives, but he is clearly not held by such principle. He simply condemns everyone that has been slightly near someone he holds responsible for something. One person says nazi, so a whole group can be condemned. That is a quite simplistic world view, mostly held by old drunks and bitter housewives in my country.

The anger of the people blindly condemned is justified. In fact they should lay down an official complaint. In my country people do get convicted for such blatant libel. If the judges at that forum are any civilized, they should prosecute Thorsten for repeatedly uttering this libel, even several times in one and the same thread.

The latest utterance of this libel is in this post. If you want more, just read upwards.

Kind regards, Vincent

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