Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

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Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby Octal450 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:09 pm

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Re: Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:58 pm

I read bugman message.
It is sad to see how FlightGear gives the key of the infrastructure to divisive people. But it is what it is.
I also suspect you are Writer### but I dont know for sure. I dont mind.

I definitely see how weird is that they say FGMEMBERS hijacked their wiki page or their mumble server. But I am used at this point to see this type of none sense FUD to be used all the time to deffend what is suppose to be "Official" infrastructure.

(of which, Mumble channel is not and Official infrastructure, If I may add)

Feel free to create your own mumble channel and promote it. But keep in mind the idea is not to further divide the community. In my opinion, Allfex channel is great.
You will find people playing childish games, but hidding from that does not allienate them. It allienates YOU.


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Re: Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:18 pm

Emperor Curtis wrote:itouchpods: please stop your personal and proxie vendettas and go back to productive, positive flightgear activities. No one wants to see or hear your perpetual negative crusade against specific FlightGear personnel and infrastructures. This is getting *extremely* old.

Really @Curtis? Do you have reading skills of any kind? Let's revise what is that horrible post of it0uchpods.

Josh wrote:First off: I do not know who is writer556, but I do know he talked to me on Mumble during the period of my ban, i will check my firewalls, and systems, for strange accesses.

This looks to me as a clarification that Bugman accussation that he is writer556 is incorrect. Fair and logical to deffend yourself on such accusation if made.
(I dont know what's true)

Josh wrote:Also: There are about 50people in FGMEMBERS, even "[PRIVACY CONCERN]" is there, and he doesn't even use the jwocky forum. But I choose to have my membership public.

A simple mere fact. Facts are facts. Continuing to disagree with them is considered trolling. Are you trolling to Josh?

Josh wrote:This is only a small part of the list.

Another fact. Kindly worded.

Josh wrote:A HYJACK FROM FGMEMBERS? REALLY? bugman are we done jumping to conclusions?

that is really the main point here. You and your infrastructure policemen are still harrassing people, allienating them, jumping to conclusion. How is Edward Bugman not being put in the Censorable list here. He is calumniating other people, other groups, and creating uncomfort and spreading lies.
Is it too hard for it0uchpods to call him on that? or is it hard for Edward acting this disloyal to the project?

Josh wrote:The server is made by Falcon, I quoted his message he sent in mumble, to me, and forgot to edit it. (AN HONEST MISTAKE), oringally the server was mine, but I gave it to him after the "offical" server was back up.
I later corrected this, if you look on the forum.

More fact listing. Facts are facts.... etc

Josh wrote:So how is this a hyjack from FGMEMBERS?

Much seriously. Once again, you and your team owe everyone explanations and an apology!!!

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Re: Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby Octal450 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:22 pm

I apologize of revealing that, that is my shitt, I will fix on the other forum as welle.

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Re: Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:26 pm

Not a prob. Thanks for correcting.

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Re: Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:27 pm

For now, I suggest you follow Curtis suggestion
Ignore Bugman the calumniator, and get back to the KC137. You are a busy man, no need to deal with this.

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Re: Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby jwocky » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:40 pm

The appearance of "Bugman", probably also acting as "CURTISW_SKALHUNTER", "Liar101", "Buttkisser" and "Psychopath123" ... well, of course, he doesn't but since he claims, he can just "identify" other people, the game works to both sides ... but well, the appearance of "Bugman" is usually the start of baseless accusations and preparation to get rid of people who dared to confront King Curt the Spineless with facts. So, once Bugman has produced enough lies, those lies will be the base to ban Josh. Nothing new in North Korea and nothing new in Curtis' forum ...
However, if one of Curtis' drones reads this, tell him, we don't "hyjack" anything ... if we are forced one day by his dictatorial behaviour, to do so, he and everybody else will notice it and then, there will be no doubts. Opposite to Bugman, Stuart the Helper, Thorsten and himself, we operate here open and in public.
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!

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Re: Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby Octal450 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:34 pm

"For now, I suggest you follow Curtis suggestion"

Never ever thought I would see you say that!

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Re: Now I am also a "writer556" and FGMEMBERS hyjacK?

Postby FL2070 » Thu May 12, 2016 6:46 pm

What is a writer556?
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