A complete explanation of everything

The Club of all those banned or deleted form the "official" FlightGear forum for speaking out political inconvenient truths or just things, the rulers over there didn't want to hear.
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A complete explanation of everything

Postby Octal450 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:03 am

I just want to set some things straight since bugman (Edward) and Thorsten have started to confuse things. i.e Users, Hijack etc.

Their posts: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.games.flightgear.devel/81535

Timeline, I start from the beginning:

October 2015:
"it0uchpods" joins the FlightGear forum, and asks to work on the 727. "legoboyvdlp" pointed me to the Free Flight forum, which I joined, and repeated my request.

Novemeber 2015:
I learn about FGMEMBERS, FGAddon, Israel and JWOCKY being banned.
it0uchpods joins FGMEMBERS, and sets his membership to "Public"

March 2016:
Mumble Server went down, and I created a Mumble server to replace it temporarily. After the server came up, I stopped using mine.
it0uchpods writes a mean letter to trolls, and Gijs deletes it, and gives it0uchpods a warning level.

April 1-22 2016:
it0uchpods creates the FGFS VIP Group of Aircraft developers, testers, and pilots.
it0uchpods gives the Mumble server to Falcon, and he gains ownership over it. it0uchpods continues to have permissions alongside Falcon, the server becomes named "FGFS VIP Mumble Server"
legoboyvdlp becomes a moderator in the FGFS VIP Group.
ACI becomes a moderator in the FGFS VIP Group.
Israel (IAHM-COL) creates TerraGIT, a way to easily download scenery for FGFS.

April 23 2016:
it0uchpods sees people who support TerraGIT getting attacked for supporting it and gets angry.
it0uchpods makes a post containing the f word.
bugman deletes the post, and gives it0uchpods a second warning level.
it0uchpods gently rephrases the post, and he, bomber, and SHM continue to hold their opinions.
it0uchpods, SHM, and bomber banned for 24 hours by stuart.

it0uchpods is flying when KOL24M (PilotDjim), and AA2234 (oscar6662) hijack the EDDF channel gaining ACL rights, and disturbing ATCjomo, and muting people, sending rude messages.
Michat is not the admin, he only can make/delete/edit channels. The real admin never logs on.
Falcon and it0uchpods try to get people to leave the trolling to the FGFS VIP Mumble server, where everyone is allowed, unless they give a reason to be banned. (Bullying, Trolling)

Falcon decides to publicize the server on the forums. Falcon posts in the FGFS forum, and it0uchpods cross posts his post in the Free Flight forum. I did not change "I" to "Falcon" in the text.
it0uchpods edits the wiki, ADDING the FGFS VIP Mumble server, WITHOUT deleting the old server.

April 24 2016:
bugman deletes Falcon's post.
Mumble wiki page reverted and locked.
"dave556" logs onto FGFS VIP Mumble, and talks to it0uchpods (ATC411).
"writer556" joins FGFS forum, has a conversation with legoboyvdlp.
bugman believes there are 5 FGMEMBERS; since he only sees Public memberships.
bugman and Thorsten accuse Falcon and writer556 of being aliases of it0uchpods, and the Mumble server, wiki edit, and forum posts to be a hijack from FGMEMBERS.
Falcon banned for 24hours by bugman. "Matching the ban of primary account, "it0uchpods"

April 25-28 2016:
bugman continues pushing his theory: Hijack from FGMEMBERS, trying to start another fight.
writer556 appears to not be banned, saying he hopes never to be.


The first issue I see here is that bugman is jumping to conclusions. He immediately assumes that this is a hijack from FGMEMBERS, since they think there are 5 FGMEMBERS, when in fact, there are many many more. He thinks the Mumble server is FGMEMBERS operated, it is not. He also assumes that I have two aliases, "CA1012_Falcon5, and "writer556", which I am neither. As far as this IP tracing is concerned, I do not know what is happening there. bugman says he will contact Falcon, but he never did, (I know because we are talking in Mumble as I write this), and also did not reply to my personal message, even though I saw him online, and active several times. He also continues to frame "it0uchpods", making him seem to others (for example, that Chris person in the link above), like he is trying to destroy FGFS, which is NOT true. Thorsten then says, "we will wonder if writer556 continues to be active", and then later says, "Not wondering anymore", (quotes not exact),with a link to a post that writer556 made on the forum.

This is completely sad, that this had to happen just because some people can't sleep at night knowing FGMEMBERS and TerraGIT still exist. If you don't like it, don't use it. You made FGFS GPL, (you said it yourself:http://www.flightgear.org/flightprosim.html), which means it can be copied, cloned, redistributed, forked, etc.

One more thing: Mumble and FGFS forum is separate. The moderator of their forum, any moderator of their forum, has no authority, to discipline anybody, in their use of Mumble. Forum moderator's have no authority over Mumble, period.

I'm finished now, and I hope bugman will read this and listen.


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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby KL-666 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:02 am

Well, well, well. Grave misconduct of an "employee". When such excesses occur in an organization, typically the CEO comes forward to publicly make excuses on behalf of the whole organization. If Curt understands his responsibility as a leader, this is the time for him to act and start mending the sick organization. If on the other hand he comes with lame excuses like: We are not really an organization, i am not a CEO, bladedie bladedie bla..., Jwocky might be just right in calling him "the Spineless".

Do not forget that you can always take matters in your own hand. You are not forced to buy into the services of a sick organization. Simply go elsewhere, like you would do with a bad ISP. Just stop posting at that other forum. There your words is just "throwing pearls at the swines". You will be surprised how good it is for your mental health. I stopped, and if i now sometimes skim that forum, i still see the usual bullies bashing unsuspecting users. Those that protest are moderated and the bullies go free. Boy, am i glad i am out of there.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby Octal450 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:12 pm

I plan to do that once I understand Canvas, and Nasal better. But if I leave now then this might happens:

it0uchpods finished his hard work on MD-88/MD-90 and releases it publicly. bugman says "it0uchpods' MD-88 might be filled with code that will hijack your PC!:

Suddenly months of coding goes into the rubbish bin.



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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby KL-666 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:45 pm

And then what do you want to do? Write a post on that forum revealing the lie? First the bullies will accuse you of slander, and then your post will be moderated away. As SkyBoat says here, their protectiveness of each other has reached pathological levels by now, and there is no sign that something is going to be done about it any time soon.

No, save yourself a lot of time and stress, just let them play with themselves.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:48 pm

it0uchpods wrote:Suddenly months of coding goes into the rubbish bin.

It does not. Your improvements on the planes are still available in FGMEMBERS and enjoyed by anyone that take them without letting themselves being manipulated and told what to do.

We've flown them. We know you do a great job, and your skills keep improving.

I'll show you my example. Go fly Geneve (LSGG). (firefly and ) I built that place. They argued (surprise: Bugman argued) that Geneve was the best example of nasal files gone wrong and the use of scenery to infiltrate people's computers. I never ever heard such big non-sense attacking FlightGears own scripting language. But besides that, there is not 1 single nasal file on Geneve anyways. So...what can we say!? Its rubbish, and it must only discredit them. Not you.

The single fact left unexplained is bugman itself. (after so much obviously intentional lying) How can people still be listening at him? How can he get Moderator status of both the Wiki and the forum? unexplainable.

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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:14 pm

Can someone point out where these alleged Nasal files installed by the LSGG scenery patch reside?

Because I'm not seeing it. Also does this accusation imply that the OSM sources, for the new models that are used for making new scenery are now somehow virulent also. I mean if we take bugman's arc of thought to it's conclusion. Isn't OSM also GPLv2?

The paranoia, it has to burn.

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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:23 pm

LesterBoffo wrote:Can someone point out where these alleged Nasal files installed by the LSGG scenery patch reside?

No-one could until they plant something themselves. I am still trying to figure out nasal, so I dont build using it yet.

Because I'm not seeing it. Also does this accusation imply that the OSM sources, for the new models that are used for making new scenery are now somehow virulent also. I mean if we take bugman's arc of thought to it's conclusion. Isn't OSM also GPLv2?

The paranoia, it has to burn.

Exact my point. Saying this is implying that FG spreads virus via nasal. Quite a weird and fundamental accusation of which I had not found any prove. If I were a core developer, this would be needed to be targetted on exhaustive detail and the nasal core patched to "secure" again. Just if only true... which is not, I think.

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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby sanhozay » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:33 pm

IIRC, the comment about Nasal and the comment about LSGG (which I assumed was about the FGMEMBERS signs) were just two different ideas that happened to be in the same sentence. The Nasal thing was unrelated to LSGG.

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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:36 pm

yes. I heard you clarifying that this was nothing but an artistic stand of what is beautiful and what is not. The problem is this:

Art is a very subjective matter. In my opinion there are many places uglier than geneve *in terrasync*. But more importantly, Edward suggested (and succeeded at that) to block my contributions to Terrasync, based on how dangerous my commits were. His words were on the sort of: (approximately this)

< If someone pushes a commit like that to FGADdon his commit priviledges would have been revoked>[*]

I dont see the problem on geneve --and it is unjustifiable from a merely artistic point of view.

Then, the concerning part is that I had been blocked from uploading to terrasync, as the Chubu situation proved.


[*] Noting that such strong standout only would have made sense in the situation of a real threat being present. Like using nasal virulently, as he was speaking off the paragraph just above.

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Re: A complete explanation of everything

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:23 pm

Edward D'Avergne Bugman in devel.list Jan25/2016 wrote:he only issue mentioned so far is trojan pegasuses. Specifically
when FGPythonSys is used for content written by a user with malicious
intent. This is also the only 'security' issue I can see as well, at
least for now. This is a major issue.

However this is simply a technical issue that can be solved. I could
write a pre-parser to blacklist any aircraft/scenery that touches the
os module, the sys.path list (or the whole sys module for that
matter), uses any form of introspection, etc. This is rather trivial.
If needed we could provide a custom module, say fg_io, with functions
for restricted I/O operations. A system, such as a command line
option, could be set up to mark certain sources - e.g. FGData and
FGAddon - as trusted to bypass a slow text file pre-parser. Another
option is to write a hook script that rejects any scenery submission
that includes <python> XML tags - which is probably a very good thing!
I've always worried about all the random Nasal code that TerraSync
pulls into my system, wondered why the code is not enforced to be a
vetted part of FGData instead. There is no review system for this,
and a review system would be far too overwhelming anyway. So I need
to blindly trust the TerraSync downloaded scripts and embedded code,
which is a real worry. Especially if you try running:

$ fgfs --aircraft=UFO --airport=LSGG

Just fly around that airport, taking a close look at every last
object, and you'll get the idea! For my own personal use, I have
considered writing a parser to strip <nasal> tags out TerraSync
scenery before the XML is read


If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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