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Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:35 pm
by themadgreek
KL-666 wrote:
AFAIK, OEV west is deprecated since they ditched the old ww2 props. So, i'm sorry chap, i'll have to come in east with my modern 777. Both rw's are accessible from that side, and a bit of x-wind has never hurt anyone. Actually, i doubt if you will ever get that kind of x-wind there, because it would be completely cross the valley embanked with high mountains.

And i certainly will not go through time consuming video making, for nothing interesting at all.

Kind regards, Vincent

Well, austro control [1] still publishes the charts for LOC DME WEST [2] so it certainly still exists.

Actually, i doubt if you will ever get that kind of x-wind there, because it would be completely cross the valley embanked with high mountains.

As for crosswinds, they are frequent enough and strong enough that austro control provides specific instructions for the conditions. [3] See 2.3.2, 2.9 and 3.1.2 (f). In the same document at 3.4 you can once again get the procedures for LOC DME WEST.

You can also watch some landings on youtube if you still don't believe that x-winds exist here ;)

During FOEHN conditions (surface
wind 100°-180°, average windspeed 15-
25kt, gusts 30-50kt) severe turbulence
associated with horizontal windshears
and severe downdraughts at all altitudes.

So, in conclusion, of course if you set the weather nice and take the easy approach (with an easy plane) then LOWI is not much more challenging than a regular approach.

But if you take the hard approach (even without wind), it's quite challenging = it's a lot of fun, IMHO.

To each his own; whatever makes you happy :)

Kind Regards,
MD-GRK (Phil)


Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:13 pm
by jwocky
Okay, I had my An-124 (Ruslan-JSB) there yesterday. She flies quite nice, but she has still problems on the ground and a tendency to power-slides and donuts. And as of yet, no radio nav at all working and only a standard AP. So, technically, I can fly her manually and with my centipede gear, the grass looks pretty good to me (I cruised a bit on it after I actually landed on the runway). So, that's it. So, last minute decision whether I fly the big bird or my Jumbolino ;-)

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:51 pm
by KL-666
themadgreek wrote:Well, austro control [1] still publishes the charts for LOC DME WEST [2] so it certainly still exists.

Could be, but it is only usable for slow props. Not even a 737 is allowed to do that approach, because of the narrow turn. The diameter of the turn is 0.9 mi. A 737 is designed for 25 degrees bank with flaps. Making a turn with a diameter of 0.9 mi at 25 degrees bank requires a speed of 120 kts. Unfortunately that is exactly the minimum max-flap (40) speed of the 737. This is not equal to maneuvering speed. Maneuvering speed is minimum flap speed * 1.3. So that should be somewhere around 160 kts. Ergo the turn with a radius of 0.9 mi is impossible for a 737.

A plane on that approach should have a minimum max-flap speed of 90 kts or less. Then they can still go to 120 kts for maneuvering speed. Probably the largest plane for that approach is a dc6.

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:39 pm
by jwocky
Junkers 290/390 went down to maneuvering speeds of about 70-80 knots if not entirely fully loaded, that is. But then, with full flaps, they had a touch down speed of only 35-40 knots :o

Speaking of that, I could turn the Antonov in the valley at 135 knots, but then, she can go 65 degree bank angle.

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:54 pm
by KL-666
I thought you would mention the famous Jumbolino. That is a can-do everything craft :-) What is it's minimum max-flap speed? Surely below 90 kts?

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:41 am
KL-666 wrote:That is a can-do everything craft :-)

:oops: :| :(

It's already proven it does not fly great without fuel


Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:23 am
by jwocky
Naah, empty, with full flaps, the Jumbolino needs still 100-110 knots. The Do-328 was known for doing such things and Antonov-148s, but then, they don't really count, the ABJ-version can take-off from a 4000ft frozen lake. Who needs runways in Russia?

And I found out why the An-124 wouldn't go to Insbruck and it has nothing to do with runway or approach ...
it's a parking space problem!

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:36 am
by SHM
DIdn't expect anyone would bring that :lol:

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:50 am
by SHM
Last lap in preparation for the World's Hardest Approach - 1

We are meeting this Saturday (December 24th) to fly Airliners to Innsbruck LOWI.

The following is the list of confirmed participants. Flight will be completed in the FlightGear regular servers.



* If you download the files with the zip snapshot listed above, rename the folder of the aircraft by removing the "-master", examples, after unzipping 777-master becomes 777
* The aircraft indicated with GIT* can also be obtained using git repository FGDATA Next generation with submodules. The branch in this event is currently the default branch being checkout by the repository. Just update the respective submodule if not done already

Code: Select all

Aircraft/777 #SHM
Aircraft/A320family #IAHM-COL
Aircraft/MD-11 #it0uchp0ds
Aircraft/737-300-CHT #Keith
Aircraft/Jumbolino #Jwocky
Aircraft/Embraer-ERJ-145 #Lester


Thanks Israel for the format :D

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:20 am
No problemas

You missed jwocky choices (it's ruslan and jumbolino)