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Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:46 pm
by jwocky
I tried both yesterday manually with the An-124. Funny thing, it is actually easier if I am a bit heavier. Well, not me, the plane of course. However, if the old Ukrainian can do it, there should be no problem with that very modern and authentic Boeing 777. Just make sure, your AP is not on at the turn or it may switches your engines off ...

Phil, can you take a look at the Ruslan-JSB when you have time? I tried to paint her in a military gray, just to look how it comes out and I fumbled so badly. I need some military paint for her till end of January or maybe early February. Just in case some not yet officially announced events with big military planes happen then ;-)

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:15 pm
by KL-666
themadgreek wrote:Well unfortunately your math is flawed. The radius is 0.9nm, the diameter is 1.8nm.

You are right, i mixed up radius and diameter. A radius of 0.9nm can be flown max 170 kts. So a 737 could barely make it. No ATC in his sane mind is going to make a plane do unnecessary stunts it can barely manage. Just now i had the chance of capturing a 737 coming from the west. It did not take LOC/DME west, but simply descended through the west valley straight in. Since you are so fond of video's, find the first video with a 737 doing LOC/DME west. You won't find it.

Another thing is that a descending plane makes a narrower turn for the same bank. So the final turn for rw 8 should be easier achievable than the level LOC/DME turn. Also this turn is not an unnecessary stunt.

Kind regards, Vincent


Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:19 pm
by J Maverick 16
Guys I don't think it's so difficult to land a plane on a runway in a valley, there are more difficult things c'mon.

SHM wrote:Mav I am really sorry. Just added you.

No worries, thank you ;) .
Regards, Mav

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:37 pm
by jwocky
Guys I don't think it's so difficult to land a plane on a runway in a valley, there are more difficult things c'mon.

Yeah, finding a good parking spot for example

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:11 pm
by KL-666
The point here is that Themadgreek suggests that LOC/DME west is in use for jetliners. This is incorrect. Even though the documentation we can lay our hands on is not completely clear about it, every evidence points towards that LOC/DME west is not considered suitable for jetliners.

It is important that this is well known within the fg community, because i do not want to be put on an illegal approach by a rookie ATC. Specifically not between those mountains.

Kind regards, Vincent

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:59 am
IH-COL ready for tomorrow's Flight

The A319 is already parked in the Gate D21 at Wien's LOWW



For those willing, you can use terraGIT. It now contains preinstalled custom scenery for LOWW (D-LASER's OSM2City) and LOWI (ot666 more complete Object set and EDNY objects)

If you already cloned terraGIT you can use the HARD.Tour1 install script as follows

Code: Select all

cd terraGIT
git pull


Flight Plan ammendment

I am planning to arrive via Salzburg 3A as charted

Salzburg3A LOWI STAR

For that reason, I am requesting ammendment to the Flight Plan posted, as follows

Code: Select all

IH-COL| A319 |  STEI1A SITNI  SBG  SBG3A RTT    |  ETD: 12/24/2016:1905Z | ETA: 12/24/2016:1800Z

For this FlightPlan I had prepared navigation aids

See you guys soon,


Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:33 am
by Octal450
You are enjoying my Airbus aren't you?

There'll be some nice updates when I'm back :D

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:39 am
its quite a beautiful job indeed. It will be my trusted bird tomorrow to get in the Alps' valleys

Needs a heck more liveries thou!!

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:41 am
getting myself in Austrian Mood ... with the Lovely Schubert's "Die Forelle"

Re: World's hardest Approaches -1 |LOWI|24-12-2016|19:00Z

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:42 am
by Octal450