What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby PavlinS » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:00 pm

Showing off that I made strong moderation of my non-existent server. That server died and I demolished it.
Because I realize it is pointless to keep it, since I am the only one posting in it.
Why I was the only one - well, because of my idiotic behavior in this topic and everywhere else.
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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby 123apple » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:22 pm

What makes it acceptable for someone to destroy someone else's server even if he has the appropriate permissions to do so? I take it you would approve of me coming to Flight Sim United, becoming an administrator, and deleting the server :?:

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby T-URBO » Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:28 pm

There a different between being appointed a position and getting it via idiotic owner that can't properly setup his server.

Before calling me a Lier, PavlinS, please check the facts. And to the answer to coming to your server to get banned no. Maybe I check in one day to see if you learnt anything from this.

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby Octal450 » Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:28 pm


Come on guys... grow up.

Yes deleting all that shit was a little far, T-URBO, but Pavlin, you need to begin listening to others. Sometimes, others are right.

Kind Regards,

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby T-URBO » Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:30 pm

Thats probably sums up the thread there.

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby PavlinS » Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:56 pm

There is no right or wrong.
There is opinion. and my opinion is not any bigger than anyone else's opinion.
We just throw opinions.
This is how we communicate.
That is so-called social interaction.
But I was acting like a spoiled child.
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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby T-URBO » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:03 pm

Now you're inviting me to your home? No thanks.

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby PavlinS » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:11 pm

Blaming someone else's for his actions when I do not realize I was not any better than anyone else.
Stop acting like idiot, Pavlin.
But you did not stop for whole 11 pages of blind arguing and throwing insults for no reason.
Talking about realism of a sim because of the user interface of it. Damn, I was freaking stupid.
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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby 0xff » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:29 pm

PavlinS wrote:The fact that you do not understand a single think of what I've wrote means you just can't understand. So it's pointless to waste time explain something you are not understand clearly.

I understand perfectly what you're saying. You're an entitled man child with emotional stability issues. You bitch and whine when people treat you shitty after you just had a 5 year old emotional break down on them and called them names and insulted them. We are not assholes when you're the one starting the shit. We don't treat you differently than we treat anyone else. Get over yourself, you're exaggerating your own self importance. You are a speck on a random planet, in a random galaxy, in an infinite universe. Your insults mean nothing and only prove what a child you are internally.

PavlinS wrote:T-urbo, go to hell. Just go to hell. I have 3 admins now and you can't join because I've put restrictions for people without role in my server. The moderation is pretty strong now, only 3 people can moderate this server from now on. You can't became an admin if I don't approve it. And Octal, no one in his right mind will done something like this. This is not right. So T-urbo or Falcon are not right in this. I am, except that.

Is YouTube going to send you a plaque based on the count of people in your ban list rather than your subscriber count? Ohh, could this be a financial opportunity for me!?

PavlinS wrote:If you are on 29 really your parents did not grow you properly

Wow, attacking T-URBO's parents now. That's real mature and real professional. This is the shit you need to stop Pavlin. Nobody here has said anything about your parents, or lack there of, or how you grew up. You say we don't listen and that we are trolls. Look at you, you're insulting random people. This bullshit needs to stop.

With your latest attacks on random people here I'm going to go ahead and rescind my offer to go fly in the future the way they would in Australia. Pavlin, you can fuck right off mate.

I hope you get your shit together one day Pavlin. I really do because at this point the only thing I can do is pity you. I probably shouldn't but I do. I can only imagine how much self loathing you go through.

Perhaps you'll at least understand this
Вие, мила Павлин, сте идиот и глупак. Ако не искате да се третирате като човек, не действайте по този начин към другите, когато те не са съгласни с вас. Това не е атака да не се съгласявате, това е противоположна гледна точка. Ако не можете да се справите с противоположните изгледи, няма да отидете далеч в живота.

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Re: What so big of a deal with VATSIM network and P3D???

Postby PavlinS » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:51 pm

Trash talk..........
I have one cool quote from Grey's anatomy:
" I am trying to help my son."
" And you are a meddler, a busybody, a helicopter mama, a nosy Nellie, a buttinsky! "
" That is trash talk! "
" All up in the bug juice. You don't know the flavor, woman."
Last edited by PavlinS on Wed Jul 28, 2021 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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