Postby bomber » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:25 am
what stuns me in the removal of my post, was the failure by Curt to acknowledge the posibility that this wasn't an attack generated by SHM or FGMembers.
On one hand Curt talks about not wanting a war with FGMembers yet on the other hand he makes a very sligh alergation regarding the banning of a user and his possible involvement.
Now I'm lying in my bed thanks to my hernia op and complication from it since last Thursday... Yes I did go to work a week and a half after the op and all was well for a while, but yeh stuff happens and I've been in my PJ's for the last 9 days.. No I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm getting to the point of what I'm trying to say.
On average I'd say I refresh the FG forum every 15 minutes, whilst I'm here flight modelling and at the time I was debating the licence issues over there and if I'm being honest I check regularly to ensure I've not been banned for having my opinions.
So I saw the problem that the forum had, it's not the first time there's been a problem refreshing the forum... normally it comes with a timeout error... This time it was different, just a completely white page, I refreshed the same... did it again the same... I thought here we go, maybe they've come up with a way of stopping me from actually looking at the forum never mind just banning me...
I closed the browser down (firefox) restarted it and the forum loaded up first time. It look as long for you to read this post as the problem persisted.
I therefor can't see any attack having taken place, just a glich in the system.... and so it doesn't warrent the allegations made towards SHM or FGMembers.
But as you guys know, who am I but just a simple fool who's being manipulated to fight others battles.
Well I'm also honest.
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell