
Since IAHM-COL, SHM, and I are kind of cut off from the "official" world by royal decree of King Curt and his chancelor Grima-Snake-Tongue ...[ oh wait, wrong story ] ... we are sometimes a little confused and have to ask those who have still access about what is going on.
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Postby KL-666 » Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:41 am

If we simply compile the texts of Curt, Bugman and Thorsten, there is a libel case that is easily won.

For the layman: You may read Curt's texts as sweet and Mickey Mouse, but the scrutiny of a court is different. It will detect Curt's libel in his texts.

But what is one of the first questions a judge asks? Please try to get to an agreement in the hallway, before i rule.

Now, my suggestion would be a practical one: Let's not go to a judge at all. Curt et al promises to quit on the libel, and we forget about the libel of the past.

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Re: Libel

Postby OPFOR77 » Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:48 am

Is this a legit legal threat?

Edit: also, isn't threatening legal action against people for what they say against the whole "free speech" ideal?
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Re: Libel

Postby KL-666 » Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:24 am

Can you substantiate the "threat" part in your words? And i do not mean simply start an argument. We have Monty Python for that.

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Re: Libel

Postby OPFOR77 » Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:35 am

Legal threat:

"stop that or we will sue!"
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Re: Libel

Postby KL-666 » Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:42 am

That is not substantiating, but even accusing more. Please substantiate the new accusations.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Libel

Postby OPFOR77 » Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:51 am

Holy crap. You're... you're serious, aren't you? All that talk about courts and judges and crap?

If we simply compile the texts of Curt, Bugman and Thorsten, there is a libel case that is easily won.

For the layman: You may read Curt's texts as sweet and Mickey Mouse, but the scrutiny of a court is different. It will detect Curt's libel in his texts.

But what is one of the first questions a judge asks? Please try to get to an agreement in the hallway, before i rule.

Now, my suggestion would be a practical one: Let's not go to a judge at all. Curt et al promises to quit on the libel, and we forget about the libel of the past.

That last sentence especially implies that if they don't stop, you will be taking them to a judge.
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Re: Libel

Postby KL-666 » Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:57 am

Do not worry so much, mostly the soup is not eaten as hot as it is served. Judicial systems are the final option, after every option has failed. I do not see this situation anywhere near that every other option has failed.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Libel

Postby jwocky » Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:38 am

Just as a reminder, the first one ever in this whole story threatening with a lawyers was Thorsten, followed short later by Curtis. So to ask our own lawyers and other legal experts, we can contact is mere self-defence. None here started this conflict, but of course, the repeated practice of lying about people here with the intent to cause damage reputation and to pretend wrongfully a felony are real legal facts. Whether we react onthem depends probably on the personality of the individual and how this will go on in the future. As it is now, one day, they let Bugman again off the leash and he will say something that can't be ignored anymore and I doubt, I want to guarantee at this point, I will just take it for "making peace". So, maybe, getting Bugman on a stronger leash (the forum rules over there would actually demand that and their non-use proves agreement) is a good idea?
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Re: Libel

Postby KL-666 » Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:21 am

How more clear can it become? I would have accepted complaining with Github as going to court to substantiate his accusations. But he declines to do that and continues spreading libel.

Re: What is a fork (split from How the project works)

Postby Thorsten » Sun Sep 11, 2016 7:30 am

If FGMEMBERS has published your copyrighted material, Thorsten, then why haven't you filed a DMCA takedown notice with Github?

You mean, why didn't I get into a legal struggle in my spare time about material I largely intended to release GPL once it's ready?

Because I have better things to do in my spare time.

(not sure about you, but if someone steals 100 Euro from me in the train, I don't go to the police, because it's going to be a lot of hassle to be told a few weeks later that investigations have led to nothing - they won't assemble a passenger manifest and interview everyone of my fellow travellers - doesn't mean it's not stealing though...)

Cute metaphor, but he forgot to finish the story to the part of his crime.

Next day Thorsten thinks he recognizes the man. Instead of taking him to court, he follows the man all day long screaming to the public that the man is a thief

In my country such behaviour is considered a serious crime, for which you shall be brought to justice. Even if the man were convicted, you can not do such thing and shall be brought to justice.

This witch hunt of Thorsten is getting seriously out of hand. He is crying thief of me? At least he cries associate of thieves of me. That is unacceptable in this form and frequency. The moderation at that forum should do something about it, or be held partly responsible for Thorstens blatant libel.


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Re: Libel

Postby jwocky » Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:10 pm

Since Thorsten's work is based on other author's works of which he at least one removed from the copyright notice, and now overwrites the licenses of those authors, the thief is Thorsten. Simply that. Thorsten is a thieving little kid stomping his little feet because others don't bow to his delusional claims of fame. He "stole" according to his own argumentation, the work of others, added something, forged the copyright files and overwrote the license of the authors before him. Of course, the accusation of accomplice to thieves would also hit Bugman, who tried to propagate this case of document forgery (felony) as well.
So, we know very clearly why, despite all threats, Thorsten can't go to court or file a complaint with Git. Because not only doesn't he have a base, he would also imply himself in crimes. He can only run his mouth and feels relative save because he lives in Finland, that is far away from the US. Well, I have to give him, that is true, Finland is far away from here and it would be a terrible pain to run legal proceedings cross the Atlantic.

But of course, the story has another facet. Curtis tried some months ago to get crowd funding for FG, He prowled some of the common crowd funding sites. He messed up, of course and his attempt to make money from FG failes ... once more ... but I don't think, he has given up on it entirely. So, what is going on on Curtis forum, suppression, political bomb throwing, a psycho and his helpers running lose and King Curtis the spineless bowing to him on every turn ... this makes FG of course less than palatable for potential investors. So once more, they hurt themselves.
And of course, after all the talk about hostile forks ... personally, I don't plan on it, but I think, I will pull copies on a regular base from now on, incase our delusional cult leaders over there go in endgame mode when Curtis fails again with making money.
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