An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

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An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby KL-666 » Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:35 pm

Today a thought struck me. Let's take two opposing streams in politics. Conservatives and progressives. Never mind about projecting your countries particular parties on this. We all know the general concepts these two streams have.

Progressives want to fight crime not only at the back-end, when the people are adult and doing the crimes. They also want to work on preventing young people ever becoming adult criminals, through education or so.

Conservatives only want to catch criminals when they are there. No prevention through education or so.

Now what would happen if the progressives succeeded massively, and there are no youth growing up to become criminals anymore?

Many people would be out of a job. Police, judges, lawyers, the prosecution. And spinoffs like private detectives, sleazy motels where they sleep, etc... And probably Jwocky :-)

Would that be the reason why people in these jobs are more likely to be conservative? To keep themselves in a job?

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby jwocky » Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:58 pm

Errr ... you operate here on the wrong assumption

Conservatives only want to catch criminals when they are there. No prevention through education or so.

Entirely wrong. actually conservatives are trying to enforce school and family environment to teach a reasonable view on right or wrong to the kids. While progressives promote free pot and love half of the time.

The other problem is, that especially here in the US words like "liberal" (or progressive as they like to call themselves pretending they would bring things forward) and "conservative" have not much to do with the original definitions and never had, as they are known for example in Europe.
For example: The Democrats, the party of the so-called "liberals" here was originally founded as pro-slavery party while the Republicans, the part of the "conservatives" was founded as the anti-slavery party. Which is in both cases so 180 degrees against what is perceived under those terms.
Or for another example: Liberalism is an ideology based on the freedom of the individual. A liberal would reduce government to the minimum to ensure maximum freedom for the individual. American liberals however stand for big government and micromanaging everything (even how much water your toilet is allowed to use, no kidding). While conservatives are usally percieved as the "control freaks" ... but US conservatives are actually fighting the big all-controlling government.

Soooo, I think, we can't even start to use the terms as you would understand them in Europe on the US. An American conservative has much more in common with a European liberal. If it wouldn't be for this crazy tendency to twist reality, lefties (which are not necessarily liberals, often rather the opposite) have in order to spread ideological hate, we could be actually cooperate. Look at you post:

Based on a wrong perception, and an impossible prediction, you conclude those jobs getting lost would be "conservative" jobs and therefore "the bad conservatives" fight against it. The reality is, conservatives tried since decades, in the US since 1 1/2 centuries what you suggest and the left-wing (who is not liberal at all) were always in the way.
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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby KL-666 » Mon Sep 05, 2016 5:19 pm

I had a good friendly laugh. Even though i might be more progressive than conservative, you made my day with your unsurpassable rants on liberals :-)

Anyway you might be right on conservatives being more into prevention than i suspected. In that case crime fighters are voting against their own jobs, and is my case gone.

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby jwocky » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:38 pm

I love it. First, to make your day, second the nice liberal tradition to call facts "rants" and ignore them without any visible effort. I suggest, you look up some history books and see, as what the Democrats were actually founded ... and who founded the KKK ... and what Civil Rights amendments are actually in the US constitution. Or nearer to home for you, who made those drug liberalization laws in the Netherlands that led millions of kids down the gutter over the past decades. And then, after you have done this, you tell me again "liberals are all for educating the kids not to commit crimes"
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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby Lydiot » Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:19 pm

jwocky wrote:Errr ... you operate here on the wrong assumption

I agree with you.

The rest of your post is just too ironic though.....

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby jwocky » Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:39 pm

Well, you may want to look up history. When you see the facts, things sometimes stop to look funny or ironic or even sarcastic. They start to look like cold hard reality and that is when they cause discomfort. Which they should.
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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby Lydiot » Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:16 pm

So if I "look up history" I will find that "progressives promote free pot and love half of the time."?

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby jwocky » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:54 pm

Lydiot, if they would, I wouldn't be so upset. By me they can smoke as much pot as they want (and while I don't I wouldn't claim, it's a specific liberal habit). But please, do it in your own place, away from kids and don't promote it to kids either.
The other half is the "free love" idiom of the 60s and 70s, which is actually very left-wing and even most official liberals seem to distance themselves from it lately. People said "free love" but meant in fact "free sex". Which is in my book not entirely the same thing. "Love" entails a lot more. But hey, I don't care as long as the rights of others are also protected. If it is consensual ... and not enforced by some group-dynamics as well ... have fun.

The problem, especially with those labelling themselves "liberals" in the Us are on another level. First of all, liberalism is an ideology based on the maximum liberty for the individual and an as small government as possible. But the "liberals" here are calling all the time for big government and control and regulation everywhere, down to the point how often you are allowed to use the flushing lever of your toilette (no kidding). That is a difference to what is considered a liberal in other countries. Maybe Vincent can drop in and tell us about Dutch liberals.

Another thing, specifically about "liberals" in the US is their urge to change history to make it fit to their current political image they want to paint. Historically, the Republicans were founded as the anti-slavery party, the Democrats as the pro-slavery party.

The current version of "liberal" history unfolds nowadays in discussions as follows ...

Step 1: Yeah, but the all changed after the Civil War

-> No, after the Civil War, Democrats founded the KKK and some other wild bands riding around and shooting people like the James Brothers did (who were by so-called "liberal" directors painted later as folk heros). Actually, till 9/11, the Democrats were for the Freedmen Massacres the worst terror organization on American soil. More than 3000 freed slaves and Republicans were killed in a series of ambushes in 1868

Step 2: Okay okay, but that all changed and we became he party of Civil Rights

-> No, actually not. Of the currently 8 Civil Rights amendments in the Constitution, 7 were written, introduced, voted through against Democratic resistance and singed into laws by Republicans. The 1964 one, the one Democrats brought in was actually supported by the Republicans (who voted how is available in the Library of Congress). However, this support is no miracle or sudden love for Democrats. Actually, id you compare the 1964 Civil Rights Act with the one 1888 brought to fall by the Democrats in the Supreme Court, it holds the same provisions. For example no discrimination in public transport ... 80 years before Rosa Parks was even born.
The problem was, Dr. Martin Luther King, a Republican, got too much traction and Democrats had to do something or they would lose the next elections. So JFK deduasted the old Civil Rights Act, originally written, introdiced, voted through against Democratic resistance and signed into law by Republicans and then brought to fall by Democrats in the Supreme Court, and made it this one big glaring "liberal" Civil Rights achievement. We know how history played out, JFK was assassinated, Martin Luther King was assassinated (both by killers from the allegedly left: James Earl Ray was a helper in the Wallace campaign in Alabama, a scapegoat as it looks though, or rather a man used as it appears in Correta Scott King vs. Loyd Jowers. And Lee Harvey Oswald, who had lived a while in Russia and tried to become a Russian citizen reasoning, he would be a communist, later, after his return to the US, he allegedly tried to kill Gen. Walker, a segregationist and member not only of the John Birch Society but also the Democratic party.
Thus, with MLK and JFK dead, it was LBJ who brought in the harvest. The day the law went through with the votes of Democrats and Republicans and Democrats, he commented "and now the niggers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years". Excuse the n-word, it was was LBJ said.

Step 3: Okay but we promoted racial equality

-> No, "liberal" and the Democratic party did not. All Jim Crow laws, the campaigns of Wallace, the campaigns in Florida, the rise of Bud Mackay and the Senators Byrd and Fulbright, those were all things that happened on the Democratic side of the aisle. But while that all happened, in New York, the next generation was already trained. Have you ever heard of the Association of Black Lawyers?

Step 4: That were all the Dixie-Crats, they left after the 1964 Act and became all Republicans.

-> Actually a few did, they got never traction there. In the 1980s, Dave Duke for example, the son of such a Dixiecrat, ran on Democrat's tickets. And in the 980s, ten years after allegedly those dixiecrats left the Democratic party, with Senator Byrd, Senator Fulbright, Dave Duke and Bud Mackay, four of the five leading KKK grand Dragons and Wizards were not only members of the Democratic party but leading members. Byrd, Fulbright and Mackay would be remaining high ranking KKK members till their respective deaths (in 2000, when Byrd was buried, Harry Reid in his eulogy praised Byrd as a "great American"). Dave Duke is, unfortunately, still around. He tried to prove the "liberal" line that Republicans are racists by running himself for several offices on Republican ticket but was always cut off early in the primaries.
So the truth is, the Democrats kept their racists and their KKK friends, at least some of them. But there was a change in tactics in the 1980s and we can see it quite easy if we open the eyes. Dave Duke embraced for example a black candidate and reasoned it in the press it was not because he suddenly like niggers (his words, not mine), but because said nigger (his words, not mine) was such a Jew-hater, he was acceptable. The subject of antisemitism has become since the 1980s a recurring pattern in the "liberal" narrative. "Don't support Israel", "the Jews rule here everything", "the Republicans are controlled by the Jews", "bad bad rich Jews", etc, etc.

Step 5: I don't know those people, you are telling lies (the usual jump out of a discussion)

-> You may have heard of Bill and Hilary Clinton then? Their first political mentor was Senator Fulbright, a lifelong KKK member and Democrat. We find his name also on the Southern Manifesto. Bill Clinton said about him "I admired him. I liked him. On the occasions when we disagreed, I loved arguing with him. I never loved getting in an argument with anybody as much in my entire life as I loved fighting with Bill Fulbright. I'm quite sure I always lost, and yet he managed to make me think I might have won." Bill Clinton also honored Fulbright with the Presidential Medal of Freedom on May 5, 1993.

Step 6: No, you got it all wrong (another desperate try to leave real world history)

-> Well yeah, all those things are on public record. People need only to look them up. And the things those so-called liberals and I talk here specifically the US brand, are much more dangerous than just smoking pot and having free sex.
So ... after I wrote down again uncomfy things from rl history, I expect to get jumped again. And we haven't even touched subjects like betrayal in war, politics on crime or economics. Things that necessarily would really go into details or, for heaven's sake, into math!
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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:38 am

I should not get involved in these muddlemarches, but it is funny to read JWocky's neconservative biases that echo 9/10ths of the wack job Rightwing news and misinformation sources. It's like they get the same daily feeds on what's wrong with their other halves, I mean it must all be agreed upon ahead of time so there's no dissent or even a bit of a discrepancy. :lol:

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby KL-666 » Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:41 am

Maybe he follows Fox News, who knows.

Kind regards, Vincent

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