An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby Lydiot » Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:17 am

jwocky wrote:@Lydiot: This one is kind of secretive, so you have to go with the members. You can try with one of their token black lawyers Vernon Mason, you will find him in connection with the Twana Brawley Hoax and the Lemuel Smith trials. Then you look up Al Sharpton and "Lawyer association" and Jesse Jackson and "lawyer association" and James Fulbright and the Obamas and the Clintons, all with lawyer association. The problem is, this is not a registered club, they operate more like a cell. Bud Mackay was a member (also a whie non-lawyer) and you may want to look up O'Callaghan and Dave Duke and lawyer association and New York. That giyes you at least one Grand Dragon, one Grand Wizard, a dragon, a wizard and probably, but I'm not sure in that case, maybe another wizard. You find the cell itself as a subset of "The National Black Lawyers", the chapter in NY as "New York Association of Black Lawyers", the CA chapter as "California Association of Black Lawyers". I know, the Nevada, Arakansas and Alabama chaptersuse other labes, but I would have to look them up myself again, it's a while, I looked into them (which was actually not for politics but to find a killer, so it was less target-aimed for politics). Another thing, you want to look into are obviously the keywords "Whitewater" and "Mena".
So, do your research, don't go and just believe! However, a little warning here, don't dig too deep. There is already an impressive number of dead people who dug too deep into this swamp.

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby jwocky » Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:25 am

Yeah, denial helps, it's the liberal silver bullet. The problem is, we have at least two dead prosecutors already, one in NY and one in AR who tried to dig in there. But since you are a liberal, you won't dig anyway but just claim this is all a conspiracy theory against your beloved leadership. So there is no risk, isn't there, Lydiot?

See, there is some very simple thought, maybe even simple enough for a liberal:

- If someone drops dead around a person, it is most likely bad luck
- If two persons drop dead around the same person, it is maybe a lot of bad luck
- If three person drop dead around the same person, it is time to take some distance
- if four persons drop dead around the same person, something really stinks
at the "really stinks" level there are two approaches to the problem
- be a liberal and protect your leader
- be a conservative and ask for the truth
You reaction btw also answered some of my questions from the "common decency" thread.

In the case of the Clintons, at least four pretty strong cases and a total of more than 40 suspicious deaths happened around them. Now just to give you a feel for numbers:
- Ted Bundy, one of the most successful American serial killers, got about 30 kills. If there is fire, where there is amoke, chances are your beloved leaders have beaten him.
- Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer is legend with 50 kills. So, if there is fire where there is smoke ... they are still a few kills short, but since at least three fresh suspicious deaths happend around them in 2016, I guess, they can catch up.

Soooo, at this point, every independent investigation is blocked. Every police investigation is blocked, the FBI doesn't investigate anything of this. More than 40 dead bodies and nobody dares to investigate why they died and who was responsible. So, use your tinfoil hat, Lydiot, you need it to ignore the smell of dead bodies around your beloved presidential candidate.
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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby D-ECHO » Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:10 pm

The problem is, Clinton is the only existing possibility in the current election. I don't really understand why still people vote Trump. Maybe there are some of his voters around here, could someone xplain?

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby jwocky » Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:24 pm

Certainly, Trump is being far from my dream candidate, but as it is, he is the only viable option in this election given, the alternative is

- connected to too many suspicious deaths
- was bribed with millions and millions of dollars via the Clinton Foundation by countries liek Russia and Saudi-Arabia (the money from Russia maybe was kick back from the uranium deal though)
- failed utterly as Secretary of State (she was part in the Libya mess, helped in Obama's support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and was instrumental in creating the power vacuum that made ISIS possible in the first place)
- blocked any help for our people in Benghazi and then lied about it
- played sensitive information into the hands of hostile nations and organizations with her email server affair
- has her staff directly connected to the Taliban and by that to Al-Qaeda, her closest confident is the sister of a Taliban leader.
- has her staff directly connected to Putoin, the brother of her campaign manager is shareholder of a consulting company in England connected currently to weapon sales from Russia, one of Putin's cousin's is involved in the same company. They are currently under investigation for weapon smuggling, tax cheating and, oh surprise in the environment of the Clintons, also suspects in a homicide in London.

So, if you want to vote for a pathological liar who already betrayed an ambassador, had some of our people killed and helped to make a terror organization possible that killedn tens of thousands ... because you think, this is your only viable option ... but then, you don't even vote here, you are in Germany right?
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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby D-ECHO » Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:37 pm

Yes, I'm in Germany here. But later moving out to a more neutral country like Norway would be my thing of choice (also because of the amazing landscape :P)
But to say a bit 'bout Trump:
-He doesn't want to let Muslims into the USA -> honestly? Ever heard of a constitution and human rights?? Something about all humans have the same rights or so....?? and about the "protecting of christian occidiential values", what christian values do you want to protect if YOU HAVE ALREADY ABROGATED THEM YOURSELF?!
-that's enough typed for now, I'll continue modelling.

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby jwocky » Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:46 pm

Norway is nice, I have been there, even many years ago. A bit too cold for my tastes though.

Now about your "arguments"

- actually EVERY immigrant can be denied if his background is not checkable or if he is member of a group already connected or strongly suspected of criminal activities. For example, former members of the NSDAP can't immigrate (unless they lie about it) into the US. That's the law.
The Constitution gives equal rights to all US citizens. Immigrants need some years before they are even eligible to apply for citizenship. By the way, things are actually the same in Germany. So the problem is, that a lot of laws aren't enforced to cater to the EU and the political left.
I came as legal immigrant to the US, I got through all the background checks, through all the loops and I don't see any reason, why those laws shouldn't be applied to Muslims as well. Of course, since their background checks can't be performed, it is totally legal to not let them in till we figured out what to do with the current situation.

But of course, there is another side, you see it in Germany as well. Stabbed people, raped women, terror attacks all over the place. It is nice, that you are so bleeding heart for all those people who want in (after they messed up their own countries), but do you have any pity for the victims? Do you feel any need to protect those very regular people of other skin colours and beliefs?
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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby D-ECHO » Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:53 pm

But what happens to the people if we don't let them come in. I mean the refugees coming e.g. to Germany? Btw, they didn't mess up their countries, they are people who have the unluck to be born in a land where some people decided to make war or where America decided to make war to get some oil or similar reasons. Specifially I am now talking per example talking about someone from Northern Africa. Due to European politics, the people there have not enough to eat and have to flee to get food. Unfortunately by european law, he is not a political refugee so he usually wouldn't be allowed to get asylum here. But should be sent back? Think about it.
May I ask from which land you immigrated to the USA? (if not I'll ask the NSA :P)

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby D-ECHO » Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:04 pm

By the way, some other ministers did the same thing with the e-mails as Clinton did.

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby D-ECHO » Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:13 pm

And when we have one choleric Billionaire and an unbelievable "Established", why the hell do no intelligent and temperate people candidate???

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Re: An interesting thought, maybe a conspiracy theory

Postby jwocky » Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:57 pm

Well, if the worst you can do is call Trump "choleric", then he is definitively a viable option. The problem is, America had the decades of enforced "political correctness". You can't always play it weak and nice in the role, America has in the world. I doubt, Germany for example is ready to uphold at all times a troop of roughly 28,000 with all the equipment for 50 years along the 38th ... or keep up a carrier strike force and a whole fleet in Asian waters to protect half a dozen allies from the Chinese expansion? Maybe Germany wants to take over the role of the Mediterreanean fleet? Humm?
When the EU and basically it was the EU, started the Libya mess, you all together were out of ammo after two weeks. Obama jumped in and America paid every remaining day of this campaign roughly a 100 million dollar for ammo which were alo used by European planes. Every day, for months. But still, Obama refused to take more influence on the strategy, preferring a pure air strike scheme. That allowed Al-Qaeda affiliated groups to take control over some parts of the country and led to Benghazi and to the troubles, Libya is still in right now. It also made sure, Ghadaffi's C-weapon arsenals fell in the hands of radicals. Some of them re-appeared in Syria, if you remember.

So, people are tired of this kind of failure, they want leadership and they want a leader with spine again. No Hilary Clinton (she claimed, she put the rest button on the relation with Russia ... yep, she restarted the cold war in her naivité).
We don't want to pay for fighter jets for the Muslim Brotherhood anymore (Obama gave 16 F-16s to Mursi), we don't want to pay for weapon support to partis in Syria who weren't even vetted (there is a reason, ISIS has so many American weapons and it is not because so much was left behind, it is part of the support deliveries which originally also went to Al-Nusra).
And people start to see the numbers. When Obama entered the White House, depending which source you looked at, every 15-th to 20th child in the US was under- or malnourished. Now it is every 5th to 6th. Projects that could bring jobs were denied for ideological reasons. Racism runs wild. Police was threatened with disarming by the White House while the thugs ran around setting fires in Ferguson.
So, people are tired of all of this, and they go to the other extreme. And while I am not a freind of political extremes in general, I can see, that Trump has experience as businessman. Of course, he made mistakes, that is how people learn, but in the overall, he has experience. He knows a lot more about economics than Hilary will ever learn. And if some third world dictator tries to play all big boy, chances are, Trump will rather tell him to screw himself than to fall down and lick the dictator's shoes.

So, Trump came through that strong because all other people who ran for the job were either too much "established" or fell victim to the liberal Führer-principle (means, Sanders for example was basically already stopped by his own party brass before he started, they merely let him run to look like they would adhere to democratic rules, but the back door deal was made long before).
So on one side of the aisle, a bunch of career politicians to pick from, who more or less openly wanted the brass to confirm their role against the voters ... on the other side ... there was not really a choice. Regardless how the Democrat voters would have voted in the primaries, they would have got Hilary.
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