Do you believe in God?

Whatever moves you, even it makes no sense ...

Do you believe in God(s)?

Yes, I believe there is a God.
Yes, I believe there are many (more than one) gods.
No votes
No, I don't believe there is any kind of god.
I don't know.
Total votes: 12

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Lydiot » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:29 pm

jwocky wrote:Now he argues Atheism is belief (in an unproven "truth"), that makes it clearly a religion. So, Lydiot, till you make up your mind and stop acting like a religious fanatic, I just go and drink some coffee. Call me when you figured it out!

You are a psychopathic terrorist mass killer jwocky. How do I know? Because you do work that "has to do with " them. Therefore that is what you are.

I think anyone reading this will now understand quite clearly that you're either entirely disingenuous or very clearly not that good at the English language, something you admit as long as it doesn't come back to bite you.

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby KL-666 » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:32 pm

Looks like i made a mistake on that indeed, Lydiot. Yet your second way of describing atheists "i do not believe in god" has exactly the same problem. You may replace jwocky's variant with your second atheist option and nothing changes.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:33 pm

That is quite a very gross ad-hominem attack Lydiot.

I know JWocky for long time in FlightGear to be sure your conclusion above is totally off the mark, and insulting.

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby jwocky » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:43 pm

Logic free zone, Lydiot? Aside of the mere ad hominem attack, not the first you fired lately, it is also a quite stupid thing, but it explains to us your way of thinking.
So, let me see whether I got your logic right:
I am an American (I got citizenship)
Vincent talks to me, so he is an American too
You on the other hand doesn't talk, you just throw insults around and have abandoned all logic so you are what? A Russian?

Gosh, I admit, I should be happy if an opponent in an emotional discussion like this makes such bad mistakes as you do, but you have reached the level of pathological behaviour, that makes every educated person cringes from just reading your posts. It's a bit painful to see you go emotionally so in pieces after you showed a short time ago some signs of finally getting better.

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Lydiot » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:47 pm


I'm trying to make you see that you don't have to feel bad being called an Atheist. I just wanted to say that right away so you don't think I'm trying to convert you to any particular view on whether or not god exists.

As for what you just said, I don't think that's true.

"I do not believe [theory]" is not the same thing as "I believe that [theory] is wrong".

Those are two very different statements. Read the text I quoted from Wikipedia and from the Dictionary.

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Lydiot » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:48 pm

IAHM-COL wrote:That is quite a very gross ad-hominem attack Lydiot.

I know JWocky for long time in FlightGear to be sure your conclusion above is totally off the mark, and insulting.

I notice you didn't say a damn thing about the insults he threw my way. Shall I quote them?

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:50 pm

Lydiot wrote:I'm trying to make you see that you don't have to feel bad being called an Atheist.

With this I can agree, thou.

Example. I am raised catholic.
If you say:

IAHM-COL is a catholic, you wont spark any ill-sentiment from me. I am sure, Jews don't take offense for being called such (normally), and Muslims won't take offense for being called such (normally). Christian and Catholics, I know on personal experience, we actually take pride and ownership of those qualifiers.

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Lydiot » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:52 pm


Israel - I think you completely misunderstood what I was talking about! I actually have to do some work now and I can't be bothered to spell it out clearly for you, but you can see exactly what my point was if you actually go back and read what JWocky said before that post. It's about his logic. I'm applying his logic in the statement I made.

In other words, what I said is only true if his logic is true. Because his logic is false so is my statement. In yet other words; the whole point of what I wrote was to make you think about how what I wrote is illogical in and by itself, and therefore when you go back and read what he wrote you'll the exact same lack of logic.

Understand? It's not an insult, it's an example of his idiotically faulty logic.

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:54 pm

Lydiot wrote: Shall I quote them?

Please don't. I read them above just fine. I just found some of the discussion going too personal, on both sides.
But I see you pricking and JWocky defending most of the time on this thread.

Well. Yes, I agree with you, JWocky gets reactive when he feels he needs to defend himself or ourselves. He gets even more protective for us and our right to express our points of view.

You already know JWocky is a conservative. And I am sure you also know, no level of personal attacking is going to change that. Right?

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby KL-666 » Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:19 pm

Hi Lydiot,

When 2 things are different they can still both not apply to something else.

Sure these 2 are different, but that proves nothing about whether either of them applies to me. And i tell you, neither does.

Lydiot wrote:I do not believe [theory]" is not the same thing as "I believe that [theory] is wrong

Kind regards, Vincent

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