The only data I've current got is from "Comparison of flight test data with a computational fluid dynamics model of a Scottish Aviation Bulldog aircraft"[1] and it is as follows.
Code: Select all
Table 1 Flight test conditions and results for the straight and level flights
IAS Altitude OAT TAS Density Re AoA Cl Cd
kt ft ms-1 kg/m3 x10^6
60 5000 8 33.4 1.045 2.25 11.4 1.349 0.218
70 4980 8 39.0 1.046 2.63 9.10 0.997 0.167
85 5020 8 47.4 1.044 3.19 6.60 0.683 0.108
95 5020 8 52.9 1.044 3.56 4.70 0.550 0.090
112 5020 8 62.4 1.044 4.20 3.40 0.398 0.067
Table 2 Flight test conditions and results for the power-off glides with data corrected for rotating propeller (ignition on)
IAS Altitde OAT TAS Re GldAng Cl Cd Propeller
60 5800 12 34.2 2.19 6.7 1.289 0.152 stopped
70 5800 12 39.9 2.55 6.4 0.944 0.106 stopped
80 5800 12 45.6 2.92 7.0 0.720 0.088 stopped
90 5800 12 51.3 3.28 7.5 0.565 0.075 stopped
100 5800 12 56.9 3.64 7.2 0.465 0.059 rotating
100 5800 12 56.9 3.64 10.2 0.462 0.083 corrected
110 5800 12 62.6 4.01 8.1 0.382 0.055 rotating
110 5800 12 62.6 4.01 10.8 0.379 0.073 corrected
120 5800 12 68.3 4.37 8.4 0.324 0.048 rotating
120 5800 12 68.3 4.37 14.3 0.317 0.081 corrected
In my experiences "hitting the numbers" is quite a broad approach to flight testing - it can be useful to get an idea if there is some underlying problem; but often just getting close to a published set of numbers is all that's ever going to be achieved - except when it is a consistent set of qualification test guide data that has been put together specifically for the purpose of validating an aerodynamics model.
However I'm obviously interested in all feedback, especially the handling qualities, takeoffs, landings, controllability, stalls, spins, flaps, control surfaces effectivity.
The propeller aero effects are something that I've considered allowing to be selectable - but for now I think we should leave them in as in my test flights this extra little bit of realism makes a difference, but that could be just my imagination.
[1] Comparison of flight test data with a computational fluid dynamics model of a Scottish Aviation Bulldog aircraft, N. J. Lawson, 1278 the Aeronautical Journal December 2013