bomber wrote:I've emailed you my spreadsheet...
I want it :"D
bomber wrote:I've emailed you my spreadsheet...
sanhozay wrote:
As I lay in bed, sleepless, last night with the wind howling, I was thinking about the static RPM and I think what I'll try is adjusting the prop to the upper range of the static RPM then bring the actual static RPM down to the middle of the range using the engine parameters so the static RPM is part derived from the prop and part from the engine.
sanhozay wrote:. Now go back to the "Options" tab and load the file you saved. Et voila!
sanhozay wrote:This has the correct pitch of 17.8* at 75% and static RPM at the upper limit of 2400rpm. I may have used slightly different airfoils from the ones you usually use.
Geometric Pitch (inches) = π (.75) D tan β
D is the diameter in inches, β is the blade angle, at the 75% blade radius station, measured from the plane of rotation of the propeller
Code: Select all
Python 2.7.10 (default, Oct 23 2015, 19:19:21)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.0 (clang-700.0.59.5)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import math
>>> GP = 53
>>> D = 70
>>> (180 / math.pi) * math.atan((GP) / (D * 0.75 * math.pi))
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright (c) 2016 Simon 'bomber' Morley
simonbomber64 at
This work is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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NonCommercial, You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
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Based on tables from JavaProp.
<propeller name="McCauley 1A105-SCM 7053, 70inch 2-blade aluminum prop. (Fixed pitch)">
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2"> 1.77 </ixx>
Prop Characteristics
<diameter unit="IN"> 70 </diameter>
<numblades> 2 </numblades>
<constspeed> 0 </constspeed>
<gearratio> is the gearing between the prop and the engine,
Normally it's defined from the engine to the propeller and is a value below zero
ie 0.78
To specify from the propeller to the engine use 1/X = gearration = 1/0.78 = 1.28
<gearratio> 1.0 </gearratio>
<ct_factor> is the props co-efficent of thrust 'tuning' factor
<cp_factor> is the props co-efficent of power 'tuning' factor
<ct_factor> 1.0 </ct_factor>
<cp_factor> 1.0 </cp_factor>
<table name="C_THRUST" type="internal">
0.00 0.126847
0.05 0.119041
0.10 0.125292
0.15 0.122432
0.20 0.118955
0.25 0.114345
0.30 0.108913
0.35 0.102908
0.40 0.096132
0.45 0.088391
0.50 0.080358
0.55 0.072039
0.60 0.063445
0.65 0.054722
0.70 0.045755
0.75 0.036546
0.80 0.027116
0.85 0.017478
0.90 0.007646
0.95 -0.002453
1.00 -0.012552
1.05 -0.022384
1.10 -0.032022
1.15 -0.041452
1.20 -0.050661
1.25 -0.059628
1.30 -0.068351
1.35 -0.076945
1.40 -0.085264
1.45 -0.093297
1.50 -0.101038
1.55 -0.107814
1.60 -0.113819
1.65 -0.119251
1.70 -0.123861
<table name="C_POWER" type="internal">
0.00 0.05781
0.05 0.059132
0.10 0.05871
0.15 0.059698
0.20 0.060591
0.25 0.061084
0.30 0.06112
0.35 0.060727
0.40 0.059689
0.45 0.057823
0.50 0.055381
0.55 0.052326
0.60 0.04861
0.65 0.044264
0.70 0.039201
0.75 0.033377
0.80 0.026766
0.85 0.019339
0.90 0.011073
0.95 0.001869
1.00 -0.007335
1.05 -0.015601
1.10 -0.023028
1.15 -0.029639
1.20 -0.035463
1.25 -0.040526
1.30 -0.044872
1.35 -0.048588
1.40 -0.051643
1.45 -0.054085
1.50 -0.055951
1.55 -0.056989
1.60 -0.057382
1.65 -0.057346
1.70 -0.056853
<!-- thrust effects of helical tip Mach -->
<table name="CT_MACH" type="internal">
0.85 1.0
1.05 0.8
<!-- power-required effects of helical tip Mach -->
<table name="CP_MACH" type="internal">
0.85 1.0
1.05 1.8
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