At least one attack a day

Whatever moves you, even it makes no sense ...
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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby KL-666 » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:53 pm

What makes you think that you are arguing with anybody? It takes two to argue. Every argument needs to pass from the sender to the receiver. The senders responsibility is not only to send, but also to make an effort ensuring that the argument arrives at the receiver. The latter is not happening in this thread. There are only arguments thrown into the blue. Ergo there is no arguing going on.

Enjoy some more misconceptions of what arguing is about.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby Lydiot » Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:29 pm

KL-666 wrote:What makes you think that you are arguing with anybody? It takes two to argue. Every argument needs to pass from the sender to the receiver. The senders responsibility is not only to send, but also to make an effort ensuring that the argument arrives at the receiver. The latter is not happening in this thread.

How are my arguments not arriving at the receiver, and how is that my fault, specifically?

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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby Lydiot » Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:15 pm

Actually Vincent, I think you're right. It might be better if I just ignore him and stop talking to him completely.

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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby jwocky » Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:50 pm

paraphrasing and lying are two different things. So, all nice attempts to resolve the struggle by declaring both sides guilty without even looking at the arguments, Vincent, but Lydiot lied and insulted happy along just a short time after you recommended "not to waste any breath on my arguments". Which you declared as wrong implicitly without dealing with the content at all. So, it's another case of "being politically correct and do nothing about the problem".
However, once more, I am bound by the rules I made myself which means obviously, I won't abuse my technical rights as admin and owner of this website to ban Lydiot or deleting his posts. However, since he has now crossed now all borders, I hand this case over to the group of admins and mods while I stay out of it in this case.
Free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!

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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby Lydiot » Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:36 pm

If I wanted to lie about what you said I would obviously not have pointed out that I was paraphrasing. That would have been stupid. Here's a Wikipedia article on the concept:


Good luck reading through it. I know your comprehension level is that of a child's.

Oh, and since you accuse me of loving terrorists and indirectly supporting them I agree that the admins probably should look into it. I mean, do you want to look into libel cases or? Because there's still a difference between accusing someone of a crime and saying someone is an asshole, legally speaking.

PS: Congratulations on being such an epic coward; repeatedly declaring that "free speech can never be achieved by dictatorial measures!" and that you would never silence me - then trying to hand over that decision to other moderators/admins instead. In other words, you want me out of here but you don't want to lose face and show your true colors by being a man and just doing the dirty business yourself, so you hide behind other people. Typically arm-chair / internet tough-tuy behavior.

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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby jwocky » Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:29 pm

I know, you are inherently unable to understand how such things work. You have neither the faintest idea about honesty nor democracy. In general, if someone is party in a conflict, he shouldn't be part of any decision, made about other parties. That is, why for example, the US have a supreme court with the option for every judge to recuse from a case in which he is biased or involved.
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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby Lydiot » Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:17 am

Has nothing to do with impartiality.

1. You dragged my name into this thread, not the other way around.... (your first post)
2. You then accused me of zealously protecting terrorists (your second post)
3. You then started whining about being treated unfairly,
4. You then proclaimed that nobody will get punished, 'cause that's not your thing apparently,
5. You then go whining to the other admins/mods hoping that they will take action so that you can have your cake and eat it too.

You're a coward, it's that simple. You want me out? Man up and get rid of my account yourself. Don't leave it up to the other poor souls to do your dirty work.

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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby Octal450 » Sat Dec 31, 2016 4:10 am

This is getting out of hand.
Why don't you just part ways, or neglect each other??????

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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby D-ECHO » Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:49 am

My theory would be that they need it. I just know of no other logical reasons why two persons should "shout" at each other and behave this... funny.

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Re: At least one attack a day

Postby jwocky » Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:30 pm

It's an iffy subject. We have, especially in this part of the forum, a lot of flying-unrelated discussions. So, freedom of speech means, everybody has the right to an opinion, also outside of the pure flying-related subjects. However, it also means, when utterly wrong things are posted, another member, like me, have the right to contradict this. If you would have a closer look, you will find, most of those "inflammatory" threats weren't started by me.
However, here is the rub, we, as admins and mods, are not just button pressers, we are human beings with opinions too. Actually, when it comes to political opinions, I think, we are about 50/50. Which means, after I excused myself from any decision, the remaining majority is probably more on the liberal side. The question will be, how much Lydiot's perpetual attacks, and that is all he does, have in their opinion crossed the lines to take any actions.

D-ECHO ... just to make a point clear here, you obviously missed. My position in this forum is quite different from those of any other member here. I gave those, who were unfairly treated at Curtis' forum, a place and a voice. On my own time and dime. Which was a hard decision because I have neither a lot money nor time to spare. In the meantime Israel aka IAHM-COL also participates in the costs and also puts a lot of time into how we develop this forum on a technical level in the future, aside of the already enormous effort in time, he puts in scenery development.
I tinker on planes. Not that much in 2016, this year was horrible when it came to stress actions. Only two new JSB-versions, I made and about what, two-dozen repairs. Helping some people to get into JSB, that kind of thing. In other words, participation in the main subject of this community: Flying and Flightsim.
The Lydiot has never contributed anything. According to the forum statistics, 43.26% of his posts are in "unrelated" and if you look them up, all attack posts. Another 13.48% are in the Creation or Evolution thread. So, basically, considering the main purpose of this community, Lydiot is more or less useless. Other pilot-only players invest time to fly for example over new scenery and give feedback. Or fly planes and give feedback. That is a contribution! Lydiot ... never. So, he is a mere troll and that's it. But because I was the one founding this forum, I was the one who made the rules, I have to hang on to those rules. Which means, I will not abuse my technical powers in the way, Curtis did over there. Lydiot knows that and tries since now over a year to bring me in a situation that, in his mind, leaves me no choice, but to act like Curtis. At the moment, he is spitting venom because despite trying to label me "a coward" for holding on to those rules, I don't give him his little victory over reason. See, here is what gets always missed in confrontations like this: Lydiot can troll because he has no power to do anything else. I am on the other hand have the buttons but I don't use them fro a principle reason. Lydiot has hidden his life outside of FG (and relies firmly on the assumption, I never break the rules to out him or parts of his outside life) while a lot of my life, like for example books, TV shows and such things are obviously public. I tried several times to pull out of threads with Lydiot, he goes on and on. So, given the situation, a decision has to be made and, since I am party in those clashes, it is not me, who can do that, that would be against all rules of democracy. On the other hand, I can't just neglect people like Lydiot. See, if I pull out that, way, who will be his next target? Joshua, who here suggests so wisely to neglect Lydiot was several times near to leave FG because he got trolled by someone else. And Joshua didn't have the buttons, if you get my meaning, but then Joshua also had not an admin role that forces him to act if someone harasses members here. So .... D-ECHO and it0uchpods ... do you really think, I should bow, I even can bow, to such an obvious troll like the Lydiot? Because the only reason, this forum exists is because I never bow to bullies.
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