As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:45 pm


Screaming does not help the cause.
Other forum is acceptable. But creating and hosting a forum does not go without some hardwork implied.

This is one such forum than e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e can register and vote, and thus, I find it to be a good alternative solution.

The central point is, while JWocky, Skyboat, and I are banned (all and every of us) from Curtis' Forum, the poll there is unadmissible as a solution.

Other forum, may be an acceptable alternative. With the added problem, that Lydiot indicates, that then much of the community willing to have an opinion, would need to register again, somewhere else.
(which is a weird approach knowing that already exists, and many members already have an account here as well)

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:49 pm

Lydiot wrote:Can't he just rejoin this forum and stick to organizing this festival?

No. I can't.

First of all; there is no reason for me to act like a criminal, when the criminal minds are Curtis and Thorsten.
Curtis can lift the ban, that's a possible solution.

I will continue promoting here and elsewhere[*] every of my proposals: USA Tour, FGMEMBERS, FGDATA with submodules, JAFVA, the Festival, and others. So I won't just stick to organize the festival because of the projects I am involved with, it is the only one you seem to like.

[*] Read elsewhere as included Curtis' Forum If I am allowed to log back in

Really? It's not a major concern of yours but your concern is that everyone can cast their votes..... Would you have had the same opinion about where to host the poll if you were still a member here? That's the problem, isn't it?

Not only I would. I do.
For me a poll is only legitimate if everyone that wants to vote can cast. (Thinking on the voting rights movements for women, 'black', and other 'minorities', in America and elsewhere right now)
It is indeed a problem for me that I can't vote if the poll is held on Curtis'

It is also a problem for me that you don't find that equally concerning. Perhaps because you are not the troubled one?
Would you be equally strong about this if you were who can't make a voice of your own?

Keep in mind, I am speaking not only in my behalf, but on that of 2 more members currently limited access of Curtis' Forum: JWocky (forcedfully as I am) and Skyboat (Voluntarily out of a conscience vote on the repercussion of Curtis' actions upon our community)

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:58 pm

elgaton wrote:
  • create a poll on this forum

(refering "this" as Curtis')

What? Do you persist in double polling? I think that is a very unaceptable posture elgaton. I am sorry. There is no way at all to prevent double voting if double polling, and to get our votes casted anonimously done so.

This is not solution to the problem.

elgaton wrote:I think he should have the opportunity to cast his vote.

Thaks elgaton.
But other members are in this mess as well. We all participated, had participated, and are active members who deserve a voice.

elgaton wrote:As a compromise, would it be acceptable to hold the poll on a website accessible by members of both forums?

Yes. As long as anyone can
  1. vote
  2. vote anonimously
  3. be limited to a 1 single vote
Any other website is very admissible

Maybe a surveyMonkey can provide the three guarantees above? I don't know

Double-threading to keep information flow, is a necessary evil from this point on. I thank your efforts.

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby MIG29pilot » Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:41 pm

If that doesn't work we'll do a raffle.
Thanks, Adam
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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:43 pm


MiG29 second time today. This is real serious pressing issue.
Can you leave the clown at home when it is needed?


FYI, if you don't get me
No. Raffle is not a valid solution.

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:20 pm


Don't take me as trying to be extra strong with you. It's just I don't see how a "raffle" will solve the issue of having a fair poll where all of us can make a choice in equal conditions.

A "raffle" would make it random selection, IIRC. which definitely is not how we have decided Festival location in the previous times.

Yet... I see you propose the Raffle with seriousness of tone on Curtis'. Would you be more specific on how you see the raffle working?

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:28 pm

It's not without irony that a group of people complaining about gate-keepers within the core-development community apparently aren't taking the views of others into sufficient consideration only to then go on and make decisions by themselves, apart from the rest of the community

Quite the contrary, Lydiot.
Your concern has lead to discussing the problem at hand, and trying to find ammenable solutions. :mrgreen:

It will be great for you to propose a viable one too.

As it stands, Curtis' Forum poll is appealed by me.'s Forum poll is appealed by you. Options of hosting the poll in other Forum or Website stand for discussion. And a "raffle"(?) is thrown as an alternative to the table.

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:31 pm

MiG29Pilot wrote:[sigh]Has anyone considered a raffle?[/sigh]

Yes. You have. can you be more specific? How is that "raffle" suppose to work and solve the issue at hand.

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby simbambim » Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:51 pm

It doesn't have to be a forum, this or that. There are sites out there that allow creating polls and don't require registration which is important. I don't know how safe they are against cheating, though.
Or, regarding double votes - can't we just agree that people won't double vote? :roll:

As for the location, I suggested Japan and Scandinavia last year, so I'm staying with it. :P (the whole Scandinavia is too big, so probably just one of those countries - or just the Southern part: Oslo-Copenhagen-Stockholm-Helsinki).

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Re: As the poll for FG Festival Spring Festival 2016 comes close

Postby IAHM-COL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:03 pm


Added Scandinavia to the temptative list of Candidates


Everyone... Keep the suggestions coming, while we sort the voting method.

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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