Postby Thorsten » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:52 amHe doesn't mention FGAddon.... I don't mention FGAddon... I'm talking about Flightgear as a whole
FGMembers isn't part of Flightgear though - it's a (hostile) fork by a few people who absolutely felt they needed to divide the community because they're not interested in things like reviewing contributions (e.g. for copyright violations). So there's that - FGAddon is the Flightgear aircraft repository - all else is external hangars not part of the Flightgear project.
So Thorsten likes to kick people in the back with lies: "a few people who absolutely felt they needed to divide the community". Really Thorsten? I do not feel any need to divide the community. All i feel is that i do not care to be on the same forum with someone who is constantly insulting others, and where that bully is protected by the moderators. There is no chance to defend yourself against him, because then the moderators go after you.
Let's not forget that Thorsten recently pushed someone to the brink of suicide. And what did the moderators do? They only addressed the victim. No word to Thorsten, to tell him to back off. Less sensitive people simply do not care for such bullying, and they move to some place more decent.
The very fact that Thorstens post is still there, shows how he is protected by the moderators. I think their forum rules say something about not insulting people. Yet Thorsten can happily spread lies about a large group in the community. These people really do not come back any time soon when treated like that. Now who is the one dividing the community here?
Kind regards, Vincent