Another Nasal issue

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Another Nasal issue

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:53 am

I have an old Luftwaffe floatplane that uses YAsim that I patched together a simple little nasal that simulates the idle shut-off of a diesel engine by pulling the throttle to the bottom stop cutting the fuel off. I would like some help making a 'reset' for this function that turns it off completely whenever the floats are without weight or compression.

the code I have so far is this..


Code: Select all

#### Set Diesel idle level/cutoff with throttle position and mixture with altitude.

var pos_throttle   = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle");
var pos_mixture   = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture");

 setlistener("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle", func {
   var throttle = pos_throttle.getValue();
   if (throttle >= 0.05)   { pos_mixture.setValue(1.0); return 0; }
   if (throttle > 0)   { pos_mixture.setValue(0.068); return 0; }

#### Set mixture to alt level
  setlistener("instrumentation/altimeter/pressure-alt-ft", func {
   var alt = "instrumentation/altimeter/pressure-alt-ft";
   var mixture = "controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture";
   if (getprop(alt) > 15000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.69);
      if (getprop(alt) < 15000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.78);
   if (getprop(alt) > 10000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.78);
   if (getprop(alt) < 10000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.85);
   if (getprop(alt) > 5000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.85);
   if (getprop(alt) < 5000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.94);
      if (getprop(alt) > 3000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.94);

var MixtureInit = func {

  settimer(env_effects, 2);
  settimer(mixture_loop, 3);            # Delay startup a bit to allow things to initialize

It's triggering a console complaint since I rewrote it. I'm wanting to initialize a stop to the first function and toggle on the second mixture change with altitude when the weight on the main float gear [1] is released when it's airborne. I don't know the syntax to write in to change which function changes the mixture's state.

Could someone help please?

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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby 123apple » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:59 am

Could you please post the exact error message? Thanks.

You *may* want to use
if () {
} else {

instead of a lot of

if () {


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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:29 am

123apple wrote:Could you please post the exact error message? Thanks.

You *may* want to use
if () {
} else {

instead of a lot of

if () {


Code: Select all

if () {

this is usually a better coding syntax, somewhere else. I dont know if it applies to nasal, but I'd speculate even in nasal this is preferable over nested ifs with else

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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:33 pm

The error is "nasal parse error in C:/../../../../Nasal/newdiesel-idle.nas line 44" there's another console complaint below it that I don't think is related

Hmmm I think I need to describe better what I want to achieve with this Nasal?

Maybe a function flow chart? :?:

I will try the else statements, but, a lot of this function is riding on the Weight on Wheels property acting as a toggle between the two mixture control states. Unfortunately I'm not clear at all on how to write the syntax for the WOW state change. The Diesel idle nasal is working great. But I would want the idle function to work as well on a higher altitude lake.
Last edited by LesterBoffo on Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:39 pm

it would be helpful to see the error log. it may give us hints

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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:46 pm

yeah I just edited the message above to include the console warning.

To add the WOW state change, would I have to declare the new state function like the var-throttle or mixture, sorta like

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var pos_gear   = props.globals.getNode("/gear/gear[1]extend");


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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby IAHM-COL » Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:41 pm

from your error saying the problem is parsing at line 44 I pressume the only problem you have is missing a proper closure for function MixtureInit

In other words, line 44 should be "}"
like in

Code: Select all

#lines 40 to 44 shown below
var MixtureInit = func {

  settimer(env_effects, 2);
  settimer(mixture_loop, 3); # Delay startup a bit to allow things to initialize

Last line in above code seems missing in yours

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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:25 pm

OK, actually the "}" is present at line 44, I apparently didn't include it in the code cut and paste. :oops:

Code: Select all

#### Set Diesel idle level/cutoff with throttle position and mixture with altitude.

var pos_throttle   = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle");
var pos_mixture   = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture");
var pos_gear   = props.globals.getNode("/gears/gears[1]/wow");

 setlistener("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle", func {
   var throttle = pos_throttle.getValue();
   if (throttle >= 0.05)   { pos_mixture.setValue(1.0); return 0; }
   if (throttle > 0)   { pos_mixture.setValue(0.068); return 0; }

#### Set mixture to alt level
  setlistener("/gears/gears[1]/wow", func {
   var alt = "instrumentation/altimeter/pressure-alt-ft";
   var mixture = "controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture";
   if (getprop(alt) > 15000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.69);
      if (getprop(alt) < 15000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.78);
   if (getprop(alt) > 10000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.78);
   if (getprop(alt) < 10000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.85);
   if (getprop(alt) > 5000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.85);
   if (getprop(alt) < 5000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.94);
      if (getprop(alt) > 3000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.94);

var MixtureInit = func {

  settimer(env_effects, 2);
  settimer(mixture_loop, 3);            # Delay startup a bit to allow things to initialize

Any thoughts on the state change for toggling the variable controlling the mixture?

P.S. also noticed that because the state change of the gear[1] wow is binary, it's context is as a true-false 'boolean'. How does one code this change in a nasal variable?

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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:13 pm

I have to admit I'm completely lost here as a non programmer,

the work function flow would be thusly..

If gear[1] weight (wow) is true, the mixture idle nasal is toggled on.

If the gear weight (wow) is false, the mixture idle nasal is toggled off, and the new mixture function with altitude controlling it is toggled on..

Is this making sense to anyone?

Here's what I've made so far, I don't know how to make an 'and' function statement so that with the gear weight being false the mixture being reinitialized under a new gear control. I could use some guidance here.

Code: Select all

#### Set Diesel idle level/cutoff with throttle position and mixture with altitude.

var pos_throttle   = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle");
var pos_mixture   = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture");
var pos_gear   = props.globals.getNode("/gears/gears[1]/wow");

 setlistener("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle", func {
   var throttle = pos_throttle.getValue();
   if (throttle >= 0.05)   { pos_mixture.setValue(1.0); return 0; }
   if (throttle > 0)   { pos_mixture.setValue(0.068); return 0; }

#### Set mixture to alt level
  setlistener("/gears/gears[1]/wow", func {
    var gear = pos_gear.getValue();
     if (gear = false)  { pos_gear.setValue(1.0); return 0;
      if (gear = true)  { pos_mixture.setValue(1.0); return 0;
   var alt = "instrumentation/altimeter/pressure-alt-ft"; }
   var mixture = "controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture"; }
   if (getprop(alt) > 15000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.69);
      if (getprop(alt) < 15000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.78);
   if (getprop(alt) > 10000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.78);
   if (getprop(alt) < 10000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.85);
   if (getprop(alt) > 5000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.85);
   if (getprop(alt) < 5000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.94);
      if (getprop(alt) > 3000) {
      setprop (mixture, 0.94);

var MixtureInit = func {

  settimer(env_effects, 2);
  settimer(mixture_loop, 3);            # Delay startup a bit to allow things to initialize

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Re: Another Nasal issue

Postby LesterBoffo » Thu Oct 05, 2017 6:23 pm

OK, the last coding change was a step in the right direction, I now have the mixture set back to default control, once the gear wow is set to false, and I can control it again with the 'm' and 'shift+m' keys, now to get the altitude to preset the mixture..

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