FG best developed airliner

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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby Wecsje » Sun Oct 08, 2017 4:28 am


If you tried to click the speed button on the ap, it will to into managed speed (for which you need a cruise lvl and cost index in the mcdu). You can still use the autothrottlw, by just setting a speed manually. On takeoff, move thrust levers to 50% n1 (or epr on some engines), then move tthe throttle to man toga, its the last position, and can be seend by a man toga display in the left upper hand corner of the pfd. You can only use man flex if you have input a flex temp, if you did, move throttle to this position for takeoff (and check the pfd if it displays man flex with a temperature. After setting throttles to man toga or man flex, the a/t will automatically be on. At some point after takeoff, the pfd will flash a lvr clb message, this means to pull back the throttle, until its in that position (green thr clb on the pfd, with nothing flashing). You can then set a speed by just turning the speed knob. After you have reached cruise, the message will change to speed automatically. When starting descent, it will change to idle, if you have not set a v/s (usual procedure in the airbus). For approah, either manually set the speed to the final approach speed, or let managed to the job. Keep the a/t on the whole time. When you hear retard, pull back throttle to idle (or press e on keyboard), this will idle throttle and turn off a/t.

Let me know if you have any more questions,

Charlie (Wecsje)

PS: maybe attend one of the A320/A330 trainings IDG gives.
Last edited by Wecsje on Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby Octal450 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 12:22 pm

Sorry I have to correct that slightly. Here is the throttle layout:

-- MAN TOGA --
-- CLB --

-- IDLE --

When on ground, and the throttles at put into MAN TOGA, the A/THR becomes armed when passing MCT/FLX detent. Blue A/THR on PFD. Takeoff thrust is set automatically by the FADECs. After taking off, you will see the LVR CLB flashing on the PFD around 1500ft on the altimeter. This is changeable in the MCDU, and differed at some airports. Once you are LVR CLB, pull your throttle back to around 60-70% physically, and the MAN TOGA will change to one if the following things:

THR CLB (if FDs on)
SPEED/MACH (if you turned FDs off)

Now the A/THR is active. White A/THR on PFD. The throttles now control the max thrust available to The A/THR (Blue or White doughnut around EPR or N1 guages). That is why you leave your throttles in the climb detent, so the A/THR has authority up to climb. If the throttles goes out of the CLB detent, LVR CLB flashing will return. You can now scroll to change selected speed. Pushing the speed knob will ask it to use managed speed, hence why you got the message about the flight computer. Pull will put selected speed back, if managed was active.

At 20ft RA, you will hear RETARD callout. This when the throttles should be pulled to idle, and A/THR will disengage.

You shouldn't need to touch the A/THR in most cases.

Note: If the A/THR got turned off in flight, it will not arm or active by itself when entering MAN MCT or higher. That only happens in ground. The pilot need to push A/THR on the panel.

NOTE: AP can be fully used without touching the flight computers as well.

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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby Wecsje » Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:13 pm


I tried to hold it simple :D (and it was 6am in the morning...)

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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby KL-666 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:25 pm

Look here now, i want to do a really simple thing, namely test fly the FBW just after take off with alternately auto throttle on and off. So the very simple question is: How do you flick the auto throttle on and off?

To my surprise i get two lengthy and complex answers, which do not even work. I did the It0chpods variant:

- FD off
- TOGA (take off, and auto throttle light is on)
- Wait for LVR CLB flashing
- throttle 65% N1
- set A/T speed 250 kts

The result is that A/T does nothing. I only have 65% constant thrust.

PFD boxes show:
- THR LVR + LVR CLB flashing
- DH 250
- -FD2 + A/THR

Autopilot panel shows:
- autopilots off
- auto throttle on

Now again i ask: How do i flick auto throttle on and off in a humane simple fashion while flying manually?

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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby SHM » Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:55 pm

Just move the thrust levers between these regions.
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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby KL-666 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:08 pm

That is where that funny selector lever is at 65% N1. Resulting in constant thrust. No A/T activity.

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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby SHM » Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:09 pm

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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby Octal450 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:09 pm

Sorry, I did not mean 65T N1, I meant 60-70% of your HARDWARE throttle, or just look until the throttle (check HUD also) looks like this:


You will hear a click, when they go in and out of detents, and you can visually observer the throttle "snap" in this position.

You will also observe the throttle position indicator matching the climb detent

Here is what I did:
Takeoff in TOGA, FDs off, around 1000ft, pulled back throttles until SPEED in green (60-70% hardware throttle), 180kts in the IAS select

On default HUD (h key)

The amber tick on the N1 (or EPR) indicator shows TOGA power, you can visually see that the doughnut is below that, hence, the climb limit. As you move your throttle, this doughnut moves. You will also see it "snap" into climb detent.

It can be turned off by simply pushing the A/THR button. It won't engage by itself again, even if TOGA detent is selected.

Kind Regards,
Last edited by Octal450 on Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby SHM » Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:12 pm

it0uchpods wrote:@Vincent
Sorry, I did not mean 65T N1, I meant 60-70% of your HARDWARE throttle, or just look until the throttle (check HUD also) looks like this:
The amber tick on the N1 (or EPR) indicator shows TOGA power, you can visually see that the doughnut is below that, hence, the climb limit.
Kind Regards,

He doesn't want AT ;)
EDIT : I see he has asked how to turn it on earlier.
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Re: FG best developed airliner

Postby Octal450 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:26 pm

One more thing to add to my previous post, you said your FMA showed -FD2, this means the FD 2 (copilot side) is still on, and the pitch mode was OP CLB, therefore, the A/THR is in the fixed thrust mode, and will set thrust as high as your throttle position allowed (hence why CL detent is used)
You must either: Switch to V/S, ALT or a non-speed by pitch mode, or turn off FD2. Then the A/THR will go back to SPEED/MACH mode.

Kind Regards,

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