Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

The Club of all those banned or deleted form the "official" FlightGear forum for speaking out political inconvenient truths or just things, the rulers over there didn't want to hear.
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Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:13 pm



A new member of the permanent banned list had been added. You guys can now go and rejoice yourselves in response to the responses in Curtis' Forums.

Certainly Cactus231 was not the most "useful" of that forum members, and his comments were frequently facepalms, but still, seemed to me that he is a real person not simply spam.

I guess the banning trend is up again back there? Does this come in waves?

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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:18 pm

Now, most importantly, I want to underline how ridiculous Curtis' Forum is (off course):


By their rulebook
5. Our FlightGear community is diverse, and we must all respect each each and be tolerant of other opinions, particularly if they differ from or own. While politely disagreement is expected, to avoid flame-wars if it is clear that you are not going to changes someone's opinion, agree to disagree and stop.

No one seemed to stop arguing to Cactus231. And no one seemed to simply agree to disagree, either.

But more importantly
Moderator actions

g. Temporary banning of members for 24 hours. Repeated or particularly serious offences may result in increasing bans (48hrs, 4 days, 8 days...). The moderator will add a publicly visible post indicating when this has taken place.
h. Permanent banning from the forum. The moderator will add a publicly visible post indicating when this has taken place.

1. In the specific case of Cactus231, he was removed from the forum permanently, while still being a new user and given no chance to adapt. And in a clearly hostile environment.
2. The moderator bugman jumped straight to permanent banning, instead of issuing the indicated temporary bannings in "Moderators actions, sections g and h" of their Forum rules.

So clearly, he follows no law.

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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby Wecsje » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:21 pm

You gotta be kidding me, you all are really just a big laugh, like WTF must go around in your heads to think like this. The only thing you guys are all doing is trying to create arguments everywhere, then proceed to make "the other forum" look bad because of that.

Like really, come on, this guy is a troll, he was banned from both discords, you can see he is trolling on the forum aswell, and then you guys make a big shit about it... Everyday the bot accounts get banned, and this time it was probably a real person who wanted to troll around. AFAIK, you would have done the same thing if someone went around like that here.


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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:25 pm

Wecsje wrote:Like really, come on, this guy is a troll, he was banned from both discords, you can see he is trolling on the forum aswell, and then you guys make a big shit about it...

Another reason for me not to join such channels were you think you are playing the big boys now. And start banning and harrasing at the first disagrement.

Wecsje wrote:Everyday the bot accounts get banned,

I've got no problem with that. Cactus231 was clearly not a bot, but instead a voice of dissent. Can you handle dissent? It seems to me you can't.

Wecsje wrote:and this time it was probably a real person who wanted to troll around. AFAIK, you would have done the same thing if someone went around like that here.

Most certainly we would not. Most certainly we don't ban on a whim here, nor we make forum rules on the methods of banning, to then most ridiculously jump them all over.

That's just a method of Kingships, and I have no Queen nor King. Law and order comes differently in my World. And it does not mimic public lynching.

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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby Wecsje » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:34 pm

Sorry, but you haven't seen what he did on discord, so I don't think you can assume we just banned him at the first disagreement. Luckily for you, we save the full chat history on all of our channels, so it shouldn't be difficult to find back the part where it all happened, O and BTW, we banned him a few times, because he kept coming back with other accounts (and yes, we know 100% for sure it was indeed him), IP banning didn't help, he apparently used a proxy to circumvent it. And no, I don't ban, warn, kick people for disagreements, they get a warning if they start to be mean to other people in discussions. And yes, discussions and disagreements are fine, as long as you respect each other. I never said usairways231 is a bot, he is a troll however, and all the people that are on discord can share the same feelings with me.

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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:36 pm

Wecsje wrote: O and BTW, we banned him a few times,...

I never said usairways231 is a bot, he is a troll however, and all the people that are on discord can share the same feelings with me.


Oh. a few times. So you are like loose canons over there with your banning buttons?
And you all agree? It's like a lynching party over there then?

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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby Wecsje » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:38 pm

You wanna come on discord and take a look for yourself? Mr. Know it all
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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:43 pm

Thanks, C. But no. I've been there briefly, but I couldn't handle the heat of discord's terms of usage. And I most likely could not handle the moderation efforts going on there either.


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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby Wecsje » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:46 pm

Then don't assume we did the wrong thing please. It's important to see both sides of the problem, and if you only wish to see one side, fine, but please don't tell me/us what we did wrong and should have done etc...
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Re: Welcome to the Club (usairways231)

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:47 pm

you can treat people wrongly and rejoice yourselves.
Be my guess.

5. Our FlightGear community is diverse, and we must all respect each each and be tolerant of other opinions, particularly if they differ from or own. While politely disagreement is expected, to avoid flame-wars if it is clear that you are not going to changes someone's opinion, agree to disagree and stop.

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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