Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Post here the craziest flight actions, we will make a poll at some point and do something with the pictures. Only hell knows what, but that's the nature of a Prize for outstanding Craziness!
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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby PavlinS » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:50 pm

Well, whatever. Not going to do it anyway again with 747......
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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby V12 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:32 pm

LOC, VOR etc are not in the scenery, but in navigation data.

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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby PavlinS » Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:56 pm

the 747-8 in FG has a serious amount of bugs in the FDM. It needs serious repair. So I'll not use it or now. I can prob. do it with 777, but DLH never has 777 planes, except the 777-200F, who is making other flights, not this one.
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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby V12 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:36 pm

PavlinS wrote:Try it to perform EDDF-VOBG on DLH mounts ago with the default plane - 747-8. Watch it in Dantorp Aviation and decided to do it. It was angled G/s. Prob. because I use the SD scenery, not the HD.

My patience is not enough for almost 10 hours EDDF-VOBG flight, I tested short 130 miles trip VOMM-VOBG. When I observed LOC vs runway offset, disengaged AP, manualy lined up with 27 and landed without any trouble. Very similar situation on trip LOWW-LOWI. Again, Jumbo is not my cup of cofee, but again I landed smoothly. 747-8i needs some FDM repairs, but is usable.

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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby PavlinS » Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:46 pm

try to reduce to 3 -9 fps and then try manual app....... Good luck, lol..... To get the picture of my perimeters computer.
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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby V12 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:48 am

If You have 3 fps, play Space Invaders, not fly with FlightGear :)

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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby N3266G » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:08 pm

V12 wrote:If You have 3 fps, play Space Invaders, not fly with FlightGear :)

I would KMS if I had 3fps. But this leaves me with an idea... I will send you a PM about it.
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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby PavlinS » Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:45 pm

V12, again you are mean to me. I play FG because I love flying. So, I will not replace it because you see, you are telling me. What I am saying is this approaches you are making is bragging and is not the good or relevant way to discuss it. That's it. And, mind your language to me, please. Such behavior is inappropriate.
O, and not all pilots on earth flying to Paro. Or Innsbruck. So there is no particular reason to learn yourself how to make approaches in those places. The world is big and there are a lot more interesting places that you can go. I do not understand why you want to brag yourself all the time, why you are so proud and you thought you are awesome. Because on this topic I see just a bragging of a proud person. That's it. Who are you to judge me about my flying in FG? Who are you to tell me what should I do? You are no one so you can talk to me like that. Learn to act not offensive to me. Because your last post is an honest slap on my face.
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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby V12 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:54 pm

No, I'm not against You. You first offense on me with Your post viewtopic.php?p=22989#p22989. Again You are talking about realism. But when I checked Your fgtracker records, I can see some like this : ... ID=6987808
This is not realistic flight ;) You should not say something about my unrealistic landings, when Your flights are unrealistic too ;) This is simulation, with some planes better, with other not very good.
PavlinS wrote:try to reduce to 3 -9 fps and then try manual app....... Good luck, lol.....

No, I will not try that. Simulation with 3 fps is not simulation, but slideshow. Sorry, but this is fact.
And why Paro or Innsbruck ? I like to fly too. But take off, then fly 8 hours on AP and do autoland is too boring for me. It is ehm ehm wasted time and not fly. Manual flight in heavy storm or crossing mountain labyrinth is far more interesting.
Last edited by V12 on Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Concorde, 747 and A380 vs Paro

Postby PavlinS » Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:10 pm

Look, V12, not everyone can effort to have a good computer for gaming. I know it's slideshow. But there are a people like me - who can't effort to buy themselves a nice machine for awesome flights and difficult apps. Is not necessary to be on A/p. Not necessary to be ILS app. I landed several times already at TNCM without ILS. But to telling me that because I am on 3 fps I should not play FlightGear that's an insult. FG needs a bit of support - we are not united, V12. Such topics do not help in making this community spoiled again. So are not being better if we make small flights around Europe and create a strong society in it? Not that I mind a challenge, but remember, this simulator is supposed to be about realistic flight simulation. So why we do not concentrate on the easiest staff first then going to advanced?
I understand I am a rough person a bit. But why do not we create something useful for everyone in this community? To be accessible and easy to do. That has lot more sense than making irrelevant approaches at Paro with unrealistically big planes.
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