IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby jwocky » Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:35 pm

a) if I correct you about what you got wrong, it is suddenly "besides the point". Interesting, you learned from which secretary of propaganda?
b.) "busting up" is trailer trash English. You teacher will pull your ears for it ... if you ever make it to a high school degree, that is.
c.) That's now really funny. After all your "speak English" and your implict claim to be the perfect English speaker, now nobody shall bother about grammar. Yeah, right! And yes, grammar is the thing that orders main and subordinate clauses, the use of objects in different grammatical cases and of course also the use of commas connected with those subjects. I am very sorry that your mental capacities and your educational level don't allow you to read a basically quite simple structure in less than five minutes, but that is actually a problem of your teachers, I suppose, not a problem of mine (dativ object).
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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby miguel » Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:59 pm

I also have been banned in the Forum, I have no way of posting anything, only to expose my opinion, I was answered by email, but the moderator does not publish anything.

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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby miguel » Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:07 pm

Thank you for this new forum I hope to be constructive and help us to all lovers of the FG

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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby IAHM-COL » Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:23 pm

They ban you miguel? What on earth happened?

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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby jwocky » Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:27 pm

Wow, did you speak the truth about something? That can cause a ban over there.
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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby miguel » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:43 pm

I just occurred to defend the travajos of Hervy, who were more advanced than those of the moderator and I honestly believe they are better that was my big Herror

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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby IAHM-COL » Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:16 pm

HerbyW Antonov series is a great step forward on those aircraft.
That's certainly another inconvenient thruth :S

Sorry to hear that Miguel

If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby Martien van der P. » Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:10 pm

Saw this on the official forum http://forum.flightgear.org/memberlist. ... group&g=10

It says "Users that left the forum (temporarily). This is an open group, members can apply to join." Does this mean you could join the forum again? And it's also weird that IAHM-COL, JWOCKY and Fabrizio Fracaroli are the only ones in the list.

Btw. has onox also left the official forum?

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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby jwocky » Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:07 pm

Hi Martien,

I can't even see that page for some reasons. But if I try to log in, it says, my username is PERMANENTLY banned. Same as far as I know for IAHM-COL. I am not sure what callsign Fabrizio Frcaroli uses or whether he is here under another name, so I didn't hear of that story yet. Miguel told, he is banned for mentioning that HerbyW's shuttle would be a step forward for FG and Thorsten obviously disliked this critique on his sacrosanct work. Mig29Pilot, the bright eyed and bushy tailed follower who tried to cause trouble here was, while he was busy to fight us on behalf of his fearless leader Curt, deleted (at least half a dozen posts) but I have no details for what exactly because Mig seems to be currently to embarrassed to appear here and so I can't ask him about. It looks like, other posts form other users appeared as well, but I haven't made backups of all users' posts, so I can't say why or how many. And as far as bans go, they can write what they want, we can't check it because who is banned can't post, he is banned, at least not before the ban is lifted.
Bottom line: It appears like Curt's other posts today (claiming IAHM-COL and I were rude and therefore banned, not because of the struggle about FGMEMBERS) and showing, oh, there aren't so many banned at all we aren't dictators ... we only forgot to list all the posts we deleted for political silencing any opposition. That kind of style.

In the meantime, it appears as if Thorsten has contacted GitHub in an attempt to kill FGMEMBERS with the claim, FGMEMBERS would "illegally" distribute GPL work. Or he claimed, he re-licensed something five minutes ago to be not GPL anymore, or something. At this point, I am not sure, anybody at GitHub understood what he tried to tell aside of, he wanted FGMEMBERS closed down. So, they are probalby trying to figure out whether he is just a madman or whether at least a part of this story needs to be cleared with the Free Software Foundation because it appears, a lot of weird license stuff is going on in FGADDON and there were lately some scam attempts with other software from scam artists who distributed work as GPL and then claimed to have it re-licensed (which is impossible because the old copies obtained under GPL remain GPL). Bottom line, it can be Thorsten has accidentally draw the attention of the free software community on FGADDON. Which is not our problem, we are clean at FGMEMBERS, we have only to be very careful with anything we load from FGADDON. As far as GitHub and the ban from GitHub Thorsten wanted is involved, they seem not even considering a bigger examination. Probably because GitHub scans all the time thier projects? Who knows? So, Thorsten is still no a warfooting, that is the one thing that is certain right now and who says anything against him or his work or his constructed claims, gets banned.
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Re: IAHM-COL and JWocky Banned from the forum

Postby simbambim » Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:49 am

The Retired group was originally for people who leave the forum voluntarily and don't want to be deleted as they may return some day but at the same time want others to know they are away, so that people don't post questions to them etc. But it seems they've changed something.

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