KC-137R family project

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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby OPFOR77 » Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:34 pm

@IAHM-COL, doing this isn't nearly as hard as you're making it out to be.

Just see if a plane is attached. If it is, drain 6,000 pounds of fuel per minute (default FG refuel rate). If you want to do something more realistic, the receiver planes need to transmit a property that tells the refueler what the refueling rate is, and then the KC-137 would use that value instead of 6,000. That'd require reaching out to Richard, 5H1N0B1/Helijah, and anyone else who is working on AAR-capable aircraft, and asking them to add that property.

EDIT: The KC-135 refuelling tanks were also used as regular fuel tanks, with no seperate tanks just for refuelling. So you can just drain the fuel.

The exception to this was, IIRC, the KC-135Q, which needed special adaptations to handle the JP-7 used for refueling the SR-71.

As far as the damage code, just copy that into a file named "damage.nas", and include the nasal file in your -set.xml file. It will work just like that.
OPRF Fighter Jock and Dev

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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:50 pm


I hope so. I have no idea of how the code goes... so my opinion is more of a guess.

Definitely, If I can be proven wrong on this one, I am the first to be the happiest (or maybe the second after the guys at OPRF)

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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:29 pm

OPFOR77 wrote:That'd require reaching out to Richard, 5H1N0B1/Helijah, and anyone else who is working on AAR-capable aircraft, and asking them to add that property.

This I don't worry. We can add any property as needed.

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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby OPFOR77 » Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:48 pm

Yeah, go for it. Just don't expect people to use your fork. The OPRF people (who Richard and 5H1N0B1 are both members of) already have a fork based off of the official repos, so your changes wouldn't get pulled in by us.
OPRF Fighter Jock and Dev

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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby IAHM-COL » Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:15 pm

OPFOR77 wrote:. The OPRF people (who Richard and 5H1N0B1 are both members of) already have a fork .

Cool stuff. May I ask where. I would be happy to pull.

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J Maverick 16
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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby J Maverick 16 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:32 am

About pull and push, please make a separate fork about the KC-137R and commit changes in that one.

OPFOR77 wrote:The KC-135 refuelling tanks were also used as regular fuel tanks, with no separate tanks just for refueling. So you can just drain the fuel.

So in that case we can even use the cargo payloads as additional fuel tanks for the KC which we can enable and disable when desired? If so, well this really needs lots of work since we should re-write the fuel code and also rework o the engineer panel so this can be enabled directly from the cockpit.

Maybe we should work on that later, all I need is that the KC is able to refuel multiple times some aircrafts during an avg flight of 1,500mi at 25,000ft and Mach 0.8 or similar (yep, it can go that fast and high altitudes) over the Pacific. I think it is able to now, maybe we should tweak a bit the refueling code from onox' model and mostly concentrate on make Ap working, improve the boom operator office and have the damage code working.
Regards, Mav
Breakin' the sound barrier every day!

Scenery designer, basic livery maker, aircraft developer (current project: F-16).
Using Thrustmaster FCS Flight Pack.
Follow me also on Instagram & Twitter @j_maverick16, Google+ and YouTube.

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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby Octal450 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:15 am

The AP will hpoefully be switched soon, I need to finish my nasal computer for it.


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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby OPFOR77 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:09 am

The '135 was a cargo and a refuelling plane - it could take all the fuel needed + the support crew for the aircraft it was refuelling. It had capacity for 37 passengers or 80,000 lbs of cargo. Not only that, but it could actually use the fuel it stored for refuelling. So all you need to do is make sure the tank sizes are right - no need to mess with cargo and stuff. And then, just drain fuel from the tanks when another plane is refuelling.

I've actually had the pleasure of being on board a KC-135, and got to operate the boom. It definitely had some room for some cargo.
OPRF Fighter Jock and Dev

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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby OPFOR77 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:24 am

There may be an error in the damage.nas file I sent you - delete lines 417, 423, and 428 (they reference "fox2.foobar").
OPRF Fighter Jock and Dev

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J Maverick 16
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Re: KC-137R ATAARS project, need some help.

Postby J Maverick 16 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:39 pm

OPFOR77 wrote:There may be an error in the damage.nas file I sent you - delete lines 417, 423, and 428 (they reference "fox2.foobar").

Done, here's the updated code:

Code: Select all

var clamp = func(v, min, max) { v < min ? min : v > max ? max : v }

var TRUE  = 1;
var FALSE = 0;

var warhead_lbs = {
    "aim-120":              44.00,
    "AIM120":               44.00,
    "RB-99":                44.00,
    "aim-7":                88.00,
    "RB-71":                88.00,
    "aim-9":                20.80,
    "RB-24J":               20.80,
    "RB-74":                20.80,
    "R74":                  16.00,
    "MATRA-R530":           55.00,
    "Meteor":               55.00,
    "AIM-54":              135.00,
    "Matra R550 Magic 2":   27.00,
    "Matra MICA":           30.00,
    "RB-15F":              440.92,
    "SCALP":               992.00,
    "KN-06":               315.00,
    "GBU12":               190.00,
    "GBU16":               450.00,
    "Sea Eagle":           505.00,
    "AGM65":               200.00,

var incoming_listener = func {
  var history = getprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-history");
  var hist_vector = split("\n", history);
  if (size(hist_vector) > 0) {
    var last = hist_vector[size(hist_vector)-1];
    var last_vector = split(":", last);
    var author = last_vector[0];
    var callsign = getprop("sim/multiplay/callsign");
    if (size(last_vector) > 1 and author != callsign) {
      # not myself
      #print("not me");
      var m2000 = FALSE;
      if (find(" at " ~ callsign ~ ". Release ", last_vector[1]) != -1) {
        # a m2000 is firing at us
        m2000 = TRUE;
      if (last_vector[1] == " FOX2 at" or last_vector[1] == " aim7 at" or last_vector[1] == " aim9 at"
          or last_vector[1] == " aim120 at" or last_vector[1] == " RB-24J fired at" or last_vector[1] == " RB-74 fired at"
          or last_vector[1] == " RB-71 fired at" or last_vector[1] == " RB-15F fired at"
          or last_vector[1] == " RB-99 fired at" or last_vector[1] == " KN-06 fired at" or m2000 == TRUE) {
        # air2air being fired
        if (size(last_vector) > 2 or m2000 == TRUE) {
          #print("Missile launch detected at"~last_vector[2]~" from "~author);
          if (m2000 == TRUE or last_vector[2] == " "~callsign) {
            # its being fired at me
            var enemy = getCallsign(author);
            if (enemy != nil) {
              #print("enemy identified");
              var bearingNode = enemy.getNode("radar/bearing-deg");
              if (bearingNode != nil) {
                #print("bearing to enemy found");
                var bearing = bearingNode.getValue();
                var heading = getprop("orientation/heading-deg");
                var clock = bearing - heading;
                while(clock < 0) {
                  clock = clock + 360;
                while(clock > 360) {
                  clock = clock - 360;
                #print("incoming from "~clock);
                if (clock >= 345 or clock < 15) {
                } elsif (clock >= 15 and clock < 45) {
                } elsif (clock >= 45 and clock < 75) {
                } elsif (clock >= 75 and clock < 105) {
                } elsif (clock >= 105 and clock < 135) {
                } elsif (clock >= 135 and clock < 165) {
                } elsif (clock >= 165 and clock < 195) {
                } elsif (clock >= 195 and clock < 225) {
                } elsif (clock >= 225 and clock < 255) {
                } elsif (clock >= 255 and clock < 285) {
                } elsif (clock >= 285 and clock < 315) {
                } elsif (clock >= 315 and clock < 345) {
                } else {
      } elsif (1 == 1) { # change here if you want to enable/disable damage based on a property.
        # latest version of failure manager and taking damage enabled
        #print("damage enabled");
        var last1 = split(" ", last_vector[1]);
        if(size(last1) > 2 and last1[size(last1)-1] == "exploded" ) {
          #print("missile hitting someone");
          if (size(last_vector) > 3 and last_vector[3] == " "~callsign) {
            #print("that someone is me!");
            var type = last1[1];
            if (type == "Matra" or type == "Sea") {
              for (var i = 2; i < size(last1)-1; i += 1) {
                type = type~" "~last1[i];
            var number = split(" ", last_vector[2]);
            var distance = num(number[1]);
            if(distance != nil) {
              var dist = distance;
              distance = clamp(distance-3, 0, 1000000);
              var maxDist = 0;

              if (contains(warhead_lbs, type)) {
                maxDist = maxDamageDistFromWarhead(warhead_lbs[type]);
              } else {

              var diff = maxDist-distance;
              if (diff < 0) {
                diff = 0;
              diff = diff * diff;
              var probability = diff / (maxDist*maxDist);

              var failed = fail_systems(probability);
              var percent = 100 * probability;
              printf("Took %.1f%% damage from %s missile at %0.1f meters. %s systems was hit", percent,type,dist,failed);
        } elsif (last_vector[1] == " M70 rocket hit" or last_vector[1] == " KCA cannon shell hit" or last_vector[1] == " Gun Splash On " or last_vector[1] == " M61A1 shell hit") {
          # cannon hitting someone
          if (size(last_vector) > 2 and last_vector[2] == " "~callsign) {
            # that someone is me!
            #print("hitting me");

            var probability = 0.20; # take 20% damage from each hit
            if (last_vector[1] == " M70 rocket hit" or last_vector[1] == " Gun Splash On ") {
              probability = 0.30;
            var failed = fail_systems(probability);
            printf("Took %.1f%% damage from cannon! %s systems was hit.", probability*100, failed);

var maxDamageDistFromWarhead = func (lbs) {
  # very simple
  var dist = 6*math.sqrt(lbs);

  return dist;

var fail_systems = func (probability) {
    var failure_modes = FailureMgr._failmgr.failure_modes;
    var mode_list = keys(failure_modes);
    var failed = 0;
    foreach(var failure_mode_id; mode_list) {
        if (rand() < probability) {
            FailureMgr.set_failure_level(failure_mode_id, 1);
            failed += 1;
    return failed;

var playIncomingSound = func (clock) {
  setprop("sound/incoming"~clock, 1);
  settimer(func {stopIncomingSound(clock);},3);

var stopIncomingSound = func (clock) {
  setprop("sound/incoming"~clock, 0);

var callsign_struct = {};
var getCallsign = func (callsign) {
  var node = callsign_struct[callsign];
  return node;

var nearby_explosion = func {
  setprop("damage/sounds/nearby-explode-on", 0);
  settimer(nearby_explosion_a, 0);

var nearby_explosion_a = func {
  setprop("damage/sounds/nearby-explode-on", 1);
  settimer(nearby_explosion_b, 0.5);

var nearby_explosion_b = func {
  setprop("damage/sounds/nearby-explode-on", 0);

var processCallsigns = func () {
  callsign_struct = {};
  var players = props.globals.getNode("ai/models").getChildren();
  foreach (var player; players) {
    if(player.getChild("valid") != nil and player.getChild("valid").getValue() == TRUE and player.getChild("callsign") != nil and player.getChild("callsign").getValue() != "" and player.getChild("callsign").getValue() != nil) {
      var callsign = player.getChild("callsign").getValue();
      callsign_struct[callsign] = player;
  settimer(processCallsigns, 1.5);


var logTime = func{
  #log time and date for outputing ucsv files for converting into KML files for google earth.
  if (getprop("logging/log[0]/enabled") == TRUE and getprop("sim/time/utc/year") != nil) {
    var date = getprop("sim/time/utc/year")~"/"~getprop("sim/time/utc/month")~"/"~getprop("sim/time/utc/day");
    var time = getprop("sim/time/utc/hour")~":"~getprop("sim/time/utc/minute")~":"~getprop("sim/time/utc/second");

    setprop("logging/date-log", date);
    setprop("logging/time-log", time);

var ct = func (type) {
  if (type == "c-u") {
    setprop("sim/ct/c-u", 1);
  if (type == "rl" and getprop("fdm/jsbsim/gear/unit[0]/WOW") != TRUE) {
    setprop("sim/ct/rl", 1);
  if (type == "rp" and getprop("fdm/jsbsim/gear/unit[0]/WOW") != TRUE) {
    setprop("sim/ct/rp", 1);
  if (type == "a") {
    setprop("sim/ct/a", 1);
  if (type == "lst") {
    setprop("sim/ct/list", 1);
  if (type == "ifa" and getprop("fdm/jsbsim/gear/unit[0]/WOW") != TRUE) {
    setprop("sim/ct/ifa", 1);
  if (type == "sf" and getprop("fdm/jsbsim/gear/unit[0]/WOW") != TRUE) {
    setprop("sim/ct/sf", 1);

var lf = -1;
var ll = 0;

var code_ct = func () {
  var cu = getprop("sim/ct/c-u");
  if (cu == nil or cu != 1) {
    cu = 0;
  var a = getprop("sim/ct/a");
  if (a == nil or a != 1) {
    a = 0;
  var ff = getprop("sim/freeze/fuel");
  if (ff == nil) {
    ff = 0;
  } elsif (ff == 1) {
    setprop("sim/ct/ff", 1);
  ff = getprop("sim/ct/ff");
  if (ff == nil or ff != 1) {
    ff = 0;
  var cl = 0;
  ll = cl;
  var rl = getprop("sim/ct/rl");
  if (rl == nil or rl != 1) {
    rl = 0;
  var rp = getprop("sim/ct/rp");
  if (rp == nil or rp != 1) {
    rp = 0;
  var cf =   getprop("/consumables/fuel/tank[0]/level-gal_us")
  if (cf != nil and lf != -1 and cf > (lf*1.1) and getprop("fdm/jsbsim/gear/unit[0]/WOW") != TRUE and getprop("/systems/refuel/contact") == FALSE) {
    setprop("sim/ct/rf", 1);
  var rf = getprop("sim/ct/rf");
  if (rf == nil or rf != 1) {
    rf = 0;
  lf = cf == nil?0:cf;
  var dm = !getprop("sim/model/f-14b/systems/armament/mp-messaging");
  if (dm == nil or dm != 1) {
    dm = 0;
  var tm = 0;#getprop("sim/ja37/radar/look-through-terrain");
  if (tm == nil or tm != 1) {
    tm = 0;
  var rd = 0;#!getprop("sim/ja37/radar/doppler-enabled");
  if (rd == nil or rd != 1) {
    rd = 0;
  var ml = getprop("sim/ct/list");
  if (ml == nil or ml != 1) {
    ml = 0;
  var sf = getprop("sim/ct/sf");
  if (sf == nil or sf != 1) {
    sf = 0;
  var ifa = getprop("sim/ct/ifa");
  if (ifa == nil or ifa != 1) {
    ifa = 0;
  var final = "ct"~cu~ff~rl~rf~rp~a~dm~tm~rd~ml~sf~ifa;
  setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[15]", final);
  settimer(code_ct, 2);

var not = func {
  if (getprop("sim/model/f-14b/systems/armament/mp-messaging") == TRUE and getprop("fdm/jsbsim/gear/unit[0]/WOW") != TRUE) {
    var ct = getprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[15]") ;
    var msg = "I might be chea"~"ting..";
    if (ct != nil) {
      msg = "I might be chea"~"ting.."~ct;
      var spl = split("ct", ct);
      if (size(spl) > 1) {
        var bits = spl[1];
        msg = "I ";
        if (bits == "000000000000") {
          settimer(not, 60);
        if (substr(bits,0,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Used CT"~"RL-U..";
        if (substr(bits,1,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Use fuelf"~"reeze..";
        if (substr(bits,2,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Relo"~"aded in air..";
        if (substr(bits,3,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Refue"~"led in air..";
        if (substr(bits,4,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Repa"~"ired not on ground..";
        if (substr(bits,5,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Used time"~"warp..";
        if (substr(bits,6,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Have dam"~"age off..";
        if (substr(bits,7,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Have Ter"~"rain mask. off..";
        if (substr(bits,8,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Have Dop"~"pler off..";
        if (substr(bits,9,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Had mp-l"~"ist on..";
        if (substr(bits,10,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Had s-fai"~"lures open..";
        if (substr(bits,11,1) == "1") {
          msg = msg~"Had i-fa"~"ilures open..";
    setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat", msg);
  settimer(not, 60);

var changeGuiLoad = func()
    var searchname1 = "mp-list";
    var searchname2 = "instrument-failures";
    var searchname3 = "system-failures";
    var state = 0;
    foreach(var menu ; props.globals.getNode("/sim/menubar/default").getChildren("menu")) {
        foreach(var item ; menu.getChildren("item")) {
            foreach(var name ; item.getChildren("name")) {
                if(name.getValue() == searchname1) {
                    #var e = item.getNode("enabled").getValue();
                    #var path = item.getPath();
                    #item = props.globals.getNode(path,1);
                if(name.getValue() == searchname2) {
                if(name.getValue() == searchname3) {
    fgcommand("reinit", props.Node.new({"subsystem":"gui"}));

var loadMPList = func () {

var loadSysFail = func () {
  ct("sf");fgcommand("dialog-show", props.Node.new({"dialog-name":"system-failures"}));

var loadIFail = func () {
  ct("ifa");fgcommand("dialog-show", props.Node.new({"dialog-name":"instrument-failures"}));

setlistener("/sim/multiplay/chat-history", incoming_listener, 0, 0);

setprop("/sim/failure-manager/display-on-screen", FALSE);

settimer(code_ct, 5);
settimer(not, 11);

var re_init = func {
  # repair the aircraft

  var failure_modes = FailureMgr._failmgr.failure_modes;
  var mode_list = keys(failure_modes);

  foreach(var failure_mode_id; mode_list) {
    FailureMgr.set_failure_level(failure_mode_id, 0);

setlistener("/sim/signals/reinit", re_init, 0, 0);

Regards, Mav
Breakin' the sound barrier every day!

Scenery designer, basic livery maker, aircraft developer (current project: F-16).
Using Thrustmaster FCS Flight Pack.
Follow me also on Instagram & Twitter @j_maverick16, Google+ and YouTube.

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