An Open Letter to Curt Olson

The Club of all those banned or deleted form the "official" FlightGear forum for speaking out political inconvenient truths or just things, the rulers over there didn't want to hear.
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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby KL-666 » Mon May 02, 2016 9:32 pm

IAHM-COL wrote:accepting some infrastructure such as FGMEMBERS and FGMEMBERS-TERRAGIT in your domains.

If this is about mentioning infrastructure, that is fine. But if it is (heading towards) merging, i think that would be pushing the cooperation too fast.

Successful diplomacy goes at a snails pace. Starting off with huge demands never has been a success. I'd say first get a group of uncontaminated people together (keep the loudest mouths out), that starts exploring working together. After a while with some experience with the different ways of working in the same arena, they could start thinking of working out concepts for merging the data. But they could also conclude that it is working fine as is.

Bombers idea of making a strict cut between core and addon could also be explored. Maybe finding that it is a good idea but the cut should be laid slightly different. Because really, why should someone that does only planes talk/bicker with someone that does only core about how to do their job (and vice versa).

Finally be aware that there will be lots of bumps of small offenses on the road. Be prepared to take them without immediately hitting back.

But most of all: take small steps. First step is acknowledging each others (right of) existence. Small steps are important for building up mutual trust to make the next step a success.

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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby SkyBoat » Tue May 03, 2016 6:19 am

KL-666: I don't know if it would be pushing cooperation too fast; I don't think that is the issue. What I think is the issue is Curt's insistence, and that of his lieutenants, on a wall of secrecy regarding everything they say about the process. The dialog comes across looking totally weird:

Free Flight Guy: I like your idea of getting together and being more cooperative

Curt: Insists on Secrecy of his comment to Free Flight Guy.

Free Flight Guy: Well, how do you expect me to explain it to my friends if I can't quote you in the Free Flight forum, or even here?

Curt: Insists on Secrecy of his comment to Free Flight Guy.

Free Flight Guy: That's a great idea. Now if you'll just let me cross-post it in Free Flight.

Curt: Insists on Secrecy of his comment to Free Flight Guy.

Free Flight Guy: Thorsten, I don't think that is a fair way to characterize terraGIT. Have you downloaded it and tried it to see how it works?

Thorsten: Insists on Secrecy of his comment to Free Flight Guy

And so it goes, ad nauseum.

Well, the nausea part is right, that's for sure.

CO-operation requires the lines of CO-munication be open and flowing freely on both sides of the equation (math or otherwise; I put that in there just so Thorsten R. can have something mathy to argue with me about. I didn't want him to feel neglected.).

If the great cone of secrecy is not removed, I fear what is being attempted is really a sleight of hand to just recapture the control of the narrative and once they think they have reacquired that, they will return to their bullying old ways. Go back and read Godin's article.

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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby KL-666 » Tue May 03, 2016 7:27 am

A normal flow of negotiation would be:

1) With every step, the negotiators seek agreement on a proposal. This may be done in privacy. It is probably even better, else the dogs will constantly bite at it, sabotaging any chance of success.

2) The finished proposal shall be defended by the negotiators in their own communities. If one side does not want to do this, fine. But they can not forbid the other side to do so.

3) After reaching enough consensus in their respective communities, the negotiators sign the agreement, and the agreement is published at media of both sides. Publishing is mandatory, or else how do you expect your community to know how to conduct?

On to the next step at 1).

More secrecy than in this basic workflow is unimaginable. Demanding more secrecy is showing that you are not seriously considering to negotiate.

Let this workflow be negotiating step 0, and see how long it will take to get to a proposal. Really, small steps are essential to stay focused.

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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue May 03, 2016 2:46 pm

wow... lots of secret potentially useful information going below the rug, that I am unaware of, Skyboat.

Funny thing is, in Flightgear, they show the useless and hide any potential useful comment.

Who's talking to them back and forth granting them wishes of secrecy? whoever that is, he is being played on. Badly.

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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby KL-666 » Tue May 03, 2016 6:15 pm

I do not know in which country Hooray lives, but if they all think like him the population soon dies out. If he searches for sex he looks for balls, gay and abuse+child. See the search strings in the url's.

Re: Mumble trolling

Postby Hooray » Tue May 03, 2016 5:00 pm

Quite frankly, "sometimes with sexual connotations" is still mildly put - last I checked, the postings made at the JBW forum would have provided the grounds for a legal case in most western countries, e.g. referring to: ... ords=balls ... buse+child

So I find it a little surprising that we're being told that we're the ones who are condescending ...

Well let me enlighten him:
- balls: "to have balls" is a normal expression for having backbone AFAIK as non native speaker.
- gay: "a person with a sexual orientation towards the same sex". Aha, the word sex, so that must be sex.
- abuse+child: There are many ways in which the underdeveloped mind of a child can be psychologically abused. But Hooray has to think of sex. Dirty mind!

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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby jwocky » Tue May 03, 2016 7:10 pm

since I am probably regarded as "the attack dog" here, let me tell you a little thing about wolves and sheep dogs ...

From the point of view of a sheep, both bark, are scary, not very pleasant personalities. They run around, growl, have long teeth and are not afraid to use it. Neither wolves nor sheep dogs are. However, there is one difference, the sheep can't see till it is too late: The wolf will kill the sheep, the sheep dog will rather die than let this happen. Thus, on behalf of all who hang their asses on the line, spent endless time with defending what they believe in not for themselves, but for those who haven't those long teeth and neither the will to go for a throat if needed, I ask you politely also to show a little bit respect for your own sheep dogs. When the banning-Mafia started over there, I put my dime and my time into bringing up this forum. That became necessary after a secretive star chamber like group started to censor plane tinkerers and Israel brought up FGMEMBERS. Some did things, put work and time, and money in it. For my feeling to dismiss those who made sure, we were not just banned out of FG, is a little bit thoughtless.

The other thing, it sounds almost like peace talks. Now, peace talks can work, but only if the other side knows, if they don't make compromises, there are those attack docks in the rear. The only thing, that really give weight on such a negotiation table is that your opposite side knows, if they don't play fair, they will get hurt. You don't want to disable your own position before it even comes to any form of negotiation.

The third thing here is, on our side, everybody is already free to collaborate on any project with anybody, be it form here or Curtis' forum. If you would suddenly decide to build planes and want to do so with for example Hooray, be my guest. This forum, brought up by one of the worst reputed attack dogs in the FG world, gives you a platform and a home. Because you see, here is the rub: If (and that is only an example) Hooray would start to work with you, he would get banned under some pretension over there, then he would need a new home, wouldn't he?

So, what is the bottom line here? The open letter was an attempt to open a line of communication. This attempt was answered with new mind games, a wave of bans, lies and the insistence on secrecy. You want to negotiate with people who have nothing to say they can stand to in public? Fine, be my guest, I disappear in my workshop and tinker on planes. You know, where to find me when everything goes down the gutter again and you are in urgent need of an attack dog.

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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby KL-666 » Tue May 03, 2016 7:25 pm

Well hello again "Grumpy old man" (as my girlfriend likes to call me). You kind of portray me as wanting to give everything away. I'd say to the contrary. You must have missed some countering of the spreading of misinformation on the other forum. And opening negotiation says nothing about the outcome. If there are unreasonable demands it will stop at it's very beginning. But hey, i do not think i am in the position of negotiating. Probably SkyBoat or Israel are. According to their posts they are not negative about negotiating, if there are no unreasonable demands.

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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby jwocky » Tue May 03, 2016 7:50 pm

Well, then I obviously didn't express myself clear enough, but it was not my intention to portrait you as "someone who gives everything away". I tried to warn about the dangers of this kind of negotiations while already giving up the long tooth in the rear. And, to make that point also perfectly clear, your idea about letting the peaceful ones sit together on neutral ground while keeping the dogs out, was the trigger, but you are hardly the only one who thinks along those lines. However, in reality, you get as your "peaceful partners" in such a neutral gremium exactly those, the other side sends you. Nobody else can negotiate. So only people who know, their own sides would stand behind them for whatever is negotiated there. Which is easy for Curtis' forum because well, they have a leader who says and a lot of people who follow. We on the other hand would have to determine for every detail where we stand. So if you think, you can go into such a neutral forum with a tactical disadvantage and good faith, I am afraid, you will end up with a bitter disappointment. Because what you get from the other side will be exactly the same ambassadors of Curtis' voice and nothing else.

So, here is how I see it. Negotiating, act by God, high water or any kind of miracle, it doesn't matter, the quastion we have to ask is what do we want? And here is the rub: We would have to insist that FGMEMBERS and TerraGit become parts of the official FlightGear world. No bans, no deleted wiki pages. We also can't go along with ideas like pull the plug on Multiplayer. And to make working together, we would need to see a change of culture over there. Lets word it frankly, Stuart and Bugman have to go as moderators. So, as much one can be positive about negotiating. I doubt, those demands would be even considered over there and thus in terms of reality, it is, alas, nothing but a naive dream. However, it is a dream with a real underlying component. Because it allows to split our community here. Hack on it enough, and the perception changes. Suddenly, given a false hope that everything can be good again and a big happy family, there is in the perception no difference anymore between the wolf and the sheep dog. You made in your post about a neutral forum no difference anymore between for example me and Thorsten or Bugman. The fact, that I never banned people, regardless how much their opinions went against my grain is suddenly forgotten. In your post, we all were just "dogs". Admittedly, that hurt a bit. See, before it came to be banned, we tried hard over there, to negotiate, to convince, we went already through the whole mill. Of course, many didn't want to take positions, many were silent, even they saw, something wrong was going on. Israel and me got the big fire, 24/7. We never flinched. And when others were threatened with bans, we had their backs wherever we could. Now, Israel is a man of a lot softer words than I am and far more diplomatic. I am just "grumpy old man". Means, I am old enough to know, all we invite here is that the same game gets played once more on us. So, since nobody listens to an old grumpy attack dog, I guess, we have to wait till the wolves are in the middle of the herd and then we are allowed to act. Because when it is all messed up, that is when you value your attack dogs. At any other time, you don't make differences between them's and your's, right? That would be in the way of negotiating, wouldn't it?
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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue May 03, 2016 7:53 pm

jujubird wrote:We would have to insist that FGMEMBERS and TerraGit become parts of the official FlightGear world. No bans, no deleted wiki pages. We also can't go along with ideas like pull the plug on Multiplayer. And to make working together, we would need to see a change of culture over there. Lets word it frankly, Stuart and Bugman have to go as moderators.

That's exactly all right, + we need to include limit the aggressions by Thorsten as well. He needs to be liable as everyone else over there.

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Re: An Open Letter to Curt Olson

Postby IAHM-COL » Tue May 03, 2016 8:01 pm

The Emperor Curtis wrote:I would very much like to set a fair and civil tone here on the flightgear forum (and the flightgear devel list.) I very would like very much for us to stay away from mean spirited personal attacks, to stay away from insane comparisons of perceived enemies to nazi officials, to stay away from questioning people's basic intelligence, to refrain from analyzing a person's emotional state as a debating tactic, and to never use sexual slurs. In a free world, these things can happen, but they actually harm freedom of open discussion. They create a less free environment because no one is sure when the negative attention of the forum leadership might turn on them if they say something counter to the forum culture. In those sorts of randomly hostile environments, participants have to be especially careful what they say.

In the other forum, pointing out a personal attack is considered a personal attack. That's not fair.

In the other forum you can lobby accusations based on speculation, wishful thinking, or just out of being mean spirited. Trying to respond to those accusations leads to an argument, and before long it's just two people arguing. Often it becomes arguing about arguing. The original baseless accusations are repeated so often, suddenly no one can say who is right or wrong, no one can remember who started it. Maybe the accusations actually are correct? Suddenly it becomes more about who can aggressively market their story more than the other. It can be a very bizarre world when people are free to say anything outside of truth and logic and reason and fairness (and sometimes do so with intentionality.) There has to be balance with civility, respect, and fairness.

On the flightgear forum we should be free to disagree, but we should disagree fairly, we should not resort to personal attacks, we should base our arguments in facts and reason.

Strangely, all the things that I point out as being problems on the other forum are the exact things they accuse me and others of doing here! All this in an attempt to escalate and perpetuate the arguments so everyone loses track of what's really going on.

So my call to everyone here, even those that have a foot in the other world too: please be civil, please debate fairly, don't resort to angry argumentative tactics. When you are offended, steer a straight course and stick to the higher ground. Don't stoop to those low levels, even when something is said that upsets you.

To all of the forum readers who steer clear of these topics (and wisely so!) please weigh what you read from various sources carefully. Don't just assume that anyone who posts loudly or angrily here or there is doing so because they are right, or because they have been harmed in some way. Don't assume the most aggressive marketer team is right. Use your own brain cells and use your own wisdom and discernment.

I hope the leadership of the other forum will consider discontinuing their personal attacks, their fictional reality about flightgear contributors and various situations, their 'just a little too tricky' debating tactics, and their aggressive marketing of all of the above. Those that have feet in both forums, please call on your leaders over there to elevate their tone, and elevate their level of discussion. Leaders can set the tone, and that is what I am calling on everyone to do now.

Everyone seems to have forgotten there is an issue with the mumble server, this is my second reminder of the original topic of this thread!

Honestly, Curtis?
I don't know if I should laugh at your innocence, or be afraid of a lack of honesty and Acknowlegement.

Don't try to clean my house. You are not my maid.
Clean yourself and your own space.

Stop those insane attacks about our group in your Forum (and prossecuting, insulting, banning everyone that you think is on our side, and even newcomers like lastmin-II just because he/she called you on a reasonable approach). If you don't attack there, then for sure, we in FGMEMBERS will remain productive in our own space.
And don't think that playing a leader mask is enough. BE A LEADER if you want to be, and stop the insanity (read, get Thorsten and Bugman under control!)

And secondly, whenever you are ready to negotiate (and JW above summarizes the core of what is convenient for you in the long run), let me know.


If we gave everybody in the World free software today, but we failed to teach them about the four freedoms, five years from now, would they still have it?

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